The Power Of Unanswered Prayers!

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

March 15, 2009

Hey Friends,

I want you to take time to read this which has blessed my heart in profound ways.This was written by my dear friend Merilyn Mohan,who is the daughter of Pastor D.Mohan who pastors the fast growing mega church in Chennai.Don’t miss it. You might just receive the answer to why you don’t receive answers to your prayers,It’s powerful! Leave your comment on it and bless Merilyn as she continues to be a young warrior for Christ.

Scripture Portion Mark 14:32 – 42

We all pray and when we pray we believe with all our heart that we will receive an answer. Many a times we wonder if we are praying correctly, is there something missing in my prayer? Is there a better way to pray?
Let us learn certain things from one of the most powerful prayers in the Bible.
It was just a four-phrase prayer yet it is one of the most profound prayers that changed the course of Humanity

Mark 14:36 “Abba Father Everything is possible for you; take this cup away from me; yet not what I will but yours be done”

Abba Father:

It was a prayer of belongingness. It shows the perfect relationship Jesus had with the father. We cannot call everyone father. It is only one person that we can call that way. A relationship is so vital in prayer.

It shows the confidence that came through purity in the life of Jesus that enabled Him to call God,”Abba Father”.

It also shows the love that existed between them. These are ways to start a perfect prayer.

When a child comes to a father and calls Him “Daddy” and the child has been so pleasing to the Father and asks for something, how will we ever refuse the child? All the requests will be granted because of the relationship, the love, the purity.

Everything is Possible for You:

–         A prayer of Faith
–         A prayer of Worship that God is omnipotent.
–         A prayer declaring the Sovereignty of the Almighty

When someone says to us, I know you are capable of doing this thing well. Even if we are unable to we will make sure we do it well only because of the compliment and encouragement we received.

Take This Cup Away From Me:

It was a prayer of truth and reality. Jesus was not faking. He was asking God, “Lord, is there any other way this salvation plan can be worked out? I don’t want to go through the cross,” is what He really was saying. He knew the pain He will go through. His body was breaking out in sweat of blood and saying, “God, everything is possible for You. Even in this 11th hour You can work it out differently.” He was admitting His weakness and inability to carry out the task. Many times, we don’t tell the truth to God in prayer. We talk to Him as though we can do it all and we are the one who can help God accomplish His plan and dream.

It was a prayer of humility. Jesus humbled himself to the Father and told God his weakness. He was seeking for help. This is how God wants us to pray. He wants us to be real, so that He can help us. He does not want long flowery prayers but real and simple prayers is what can move the heart of the Almighty.

Yet Not What I Will But Your Will be Done

It was a prayer of surrender. It shows that Jesus knew that what God has for His life is the best. He gave up His will for the will of the Father.

Jesus kept on praying. He prayed three times. He was persistent with His prayer knowing that a loving Father would listen to His prayer of anguish.


I don’t think so.

Purity, love, a perfect relationship, worship, faith, declaration of Sovereignty, reality, humility, surrender….. God should have granted the request. Said yes right away.


No!  That was not the case. The most perfect prayer was left unanswered. Indirectly when the answer was not coming. Jesus knew that God was saying,


The prayer of Jesus was always answered and heard by God and it was always a yes from God every time He prayed John 11: 42. But this time, it is different. His prayer was not answered.

His persistent, most perfect prayer went unanswered… Are you wondering in your life, why is my prayer not answered? What ingredient in my prayer is not right? Have I prayed long enough? What is wrong with my prayer? Why is God not taking this cup of bitterness away from me? Why is He not removing this problem from my life?

Maybe God has answered your prayer by saying a Big NO.

I want you to see the benefits of the unanswered prayer of Jesus to encourage you to keep coming to the Presence of God, even when your prayer is unanswered. Seeing the benefits, you will be encouraged to continue your walk with your Maker.

Jesus was able to understand the weaknesses of others and the pain you go through when your prayer is unanswered.

When Jesus came and saw the disciples sleeping, He said, “I know your spirit is willing, but your body is weak”. Jesus was experiencing the same thing. His spirit was willing to obey the Father but His body was not willing. Every time you make a mistake it is this prayer that keeps giving you the grace. He understands, He knows how you feel. Perhaps that is why Jesus is at the right hand of the Father interceding on your behalf. Unanswered prayers enable you to understand others who are in the same need and pray for them more, with a spirit of intercession to see their lives blessed.

Through this one unanswered prayer, He teaches the most significant secret to overcome the temptation of going against the will of God. He says, if you don’t want to fall into temptation, pray at least one hour. To be used of God like Benny Hinn or others may require long hours of praying, as it is not only about them but for others’ blessing. But personally if you want to overcome life’s temptation, you need to talk to God and spend time with Him at least for one hour. May your unanswered prayer teach you some  significant secrets and give you the keys to life’s most stubborn doors.

The last but not the least benefit of His unanswered prayer, is that you and I are saved thousands of years later, because God did not answer the prayer of His Son, Jesus. We have received eternal life, salvation, hope, healing, and deliverance even after many years. Today, Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father and His name is above every other name. All because His prayer went unanswered.

Think about it: maybe your prayer that is unanswered has a lot of benefits that you do not see today, a blessing to millions that you do not comprehend now. If only Jesus had finished His prayer without the last line. If Jesus had stopped his prayer saying “Father take this cup away from me” and left out the part where He said, “yet not what I will but yours be done.” I wonder what God would have done? God takes every word that comes from our mouth so seriously. He silences all of heaven to give attention to each and every word. So allow God to work through your prayers. May our prayers allow God to work in our lives. Because He sees the bigger picture every time we say “Lord let not my will be done but yours be done.” Show Him that you love Him and you trust Him..

In conclusion, we know that the loving God did answer, just a little differently. The answer was an angel that He sent to strengthen Jesus to take the cup (Luke 22:43). May we stop worrying about the prayers that have been unanswered and ask God to send an angel our way to keep us on in this journey of life and trust Him.

Never let an unanswered prayer stop you from going to God and walking in His presence. Satan might tell you that God does not love you, even though you have done everything right, that God is not on your side. Tell the devil that God knows the best. His plans are higher than our plans, and His ways are much higher than our ways.

Think about the heart of the Father. He had to refuse His only Son Jesus, just that you and I can be saved, healed and be happy. He was thinking about you when He refused Jesus. So great is His love for you!

Thank God for the unanswered prayers in your life. Fall into the hands of Jesus, for He knows the bigger and the better picture. He can see beyond. God Bless You.