5 Keys to Hosting God in Your Life – The Revival Preparation! – Part 12 | Revival Series

hosting God keys

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

December 8, 2012

This entry is part 12 of 17 in the series Revival Series

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What is the meaning of ‘hosting God’? Does God need our permission to walk into our life? Is it even possible to host God? Those are good questions to ask by a man or woman who desires to walk with God.

hosting God keys

Is it necessary for God to obtain our permission? No, absolutely not. Yet, the Word of God reveals God consistently waiting for a man’s desire and invitation.

How else can we explain that heaven froze to hear from mother Mary a ‘yes’ in order to launch God’s great plan of redemption to mankind? In fact, God had no obligation to inform her about his intended plans. Even though God does not need our approval, He is still looking for surrendered people He can work with on this earth.

Jesus says in Revelation 3:20 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with Me.” (ESV) Yes, that is hosting God.

Here are few things we can learn about hosting God from Revelation 3:20:

1. “I Stand at the Door”

God wants to be hosted in your life and in this generation. He is already at the door! It is upto you whether you want to draw near to Him. If you do, He not only promised to draw near to you but also to come and dine with you.

2. “If You Hear His Voice”

You host God by first being sensitive to His voice! God has never stopped speaking. He is still speaking today. He is even speaking now. The foremost place where you can hear God’s voice is in His Word. The more you are consumed by God’s Holy Word – the Bible, the more you will be covered by God’s glory over your life. [ClickToTweet]

3. “God Desires to Come in.”

God is not only interested in a visitation but He is interested in habitation. Jesus answered in John 14:23, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.” God wants to dwell with you. More than you desiring to host Him, God desires to manifest Himself through your life 24/7!!!

4. “…And Eat With Him.”

To host God is to know what He loves. Do you know God’s taste? Do you know what is God’s desire? Do you know what are God’s preferences? On a daily basis through your life are you serving God that which pleases Him?

To host God is to pursue God’s smile over man’s laughter. [ClickToTweet] To host God is to pursue God’s delight over man’s pleasure.

How about offering God a sacrificial offering of faith? (Philippians 2:17) We know God is attracted to a man/woman of faith! How about offering the fragrance of praise? Shall we then adorn our houses with worship like “..the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who is seated on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever…” by laying down their crowns? (Revelation 4:10-11)

5. “..And He With Me.”

This is the best part. Not only does God desire to be with you, He desires for you to be with Him. It’s interesting that God stresses this point. John 15:5 says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

Many a time, God is with us but we are not with Him. We are in our own world with our dreams and ambitions. Those that host God must lay down their own individual dreams and agendas for God’s glory to manifest.

Your walk with God is only complete when you disappear into the light of God. [ClickToTweet] That has to become your life’s only mission. Pursue that point of extinction where people do not see you anymore but only Jesus! Whether it is at your work, in the market, school, business and especially in your house – let people see the light of God shining brightly through you.

I’d like to know: What steps can you take practically to host God in your life? What discipline would you cultivate? What would you avoid? Share them below in the comments section.

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