grow together
R E V I V E your first love for Jesus.
R E N E W your mind with HIS Word.
R E S T O R E D victoriously!
The mandate of raising anointed ministers has been part of our vision and direction from the Lord.
Impactful resources touching nations through cable TV, app and online mediums
The church is the vision of Christ. The exsistential reason for every calling in the Body. And so empowering RN churches and fellow believers is our passion.
Shyju and Tiny Mathew are the founding leaders of Revive Nations, a global ministry of anointed ministers and churches. Above all titles they are foremost known to be passionate Jesus lovers that lead an army of Jesus lovers. With a strong unquenchable love for the Lord, they have led many nations to the feet of Jesus. Their motto has simply been, “we love Him because He first loved us.”
latest resources
Subscribe to the Word
Rising Up As a Mighty Force
When the multitudes cried for miracles, Jesus climbed up the mountain instead. Jesus never ministered according to the demand of the crowd. In fact, He often did the opposite. Jesus concern Himself with their long list of needs! Instead, Jesus just kept climbing and said, “Come to where I am”. In the location where Jesus is, we encounter the mighty force of God.
Awaited Music Video “Blossom” is Out!
How to Know if You are Growing
A good gage to measure if we are growing as a Jesus lover is to consider how we handle stones being thrown our way. Are we bitter? Do we play victim or do we choose to be conqueror of our circumstances? Do we blame our God when attacks come or do we rise up and rejoice in the challenge?
Revive Nations Kids on YouTube
Keep your little ones informed, empowered and ignited for Jesus.
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Building Confidence in Parenting
By Sarah Evans When I look at parenting today (inside and outside of the church), one of...
10 Powerful Scripture Confessions For Your Children
Read 10 powerful scripture that you can pray and confess for your children.
Children See, Children Do [Powerful Video]
Here is a powerful 60 sec video created by Australia’s National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, that shows how children mimic what they see, especially from people who are supposed to be their role models:

touching nations
grow together
R E V I V E your first love for Jesus.
R E N E W your mind with HIS Word.
R E S T O R E D victoriously!
The mandate of raising anointed ministers has been part of our vision and direction from the Lord.
Impactful resources touching nations through cabel TV, app and online mediums
The church is the vision of Christ. The exsistential reason for every calling in the Body. And so empowering RN churches and fellow believers is our passion.
Shyju and Tiny Mathew are the founding leaders of Revive Nations, a global ministry of anointed ministers and churches. Above all titles they are foremost known to be passionate Jesus lovers that lead an army of Jesus lovers. With a strong unquenchable love for the Lord, they have led many nations to the feet of Jesus. Their motto has simply been, “we love Him because He first loved us.”
latest resources
Subscribe to the Word
Rising Up As a Mighty Force
When the multitudes cried for miracles, Jesus climbed up the mountain instead. Jesus never ministered according to the demand of the crowd. In fact, He often did the opposite. Jesus concern Himself with their long list of needs! Instead, Jesus just kept climbing and said, “Come to where I am”. In the location where Jesus is, we encounter the mighty force of God.
Awaited Music Video “Blossom” is Out!
How to Know if You are Growing
A good gage to measure if we are growing as a Jesus lover is to consider how we handle stones being thrown our way. Are we bitter? Do we play victim or do we choose to be conqueror of our circumstances? Do we blame our God when attacks come or do we rise up and rejoice in the challenge?

Revive Nations Kids on YouTube
Keep your little ones informed, empowered and ignited for Jesus.
Subscribe to us on YouTube
Building Confidence in Parenting
By Sarah Evans When I look at parenting today (inside and outside of the church), one of...
10 Powerful Scripture Confessions For Your Children
Read 10 powerful scripture that you can pray and confess for your children.
Children See, Children Do [Powerful Video]
Here is a powerful 60 sec video created by Australia’s National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, that shows how children mimic what they see, especially from people who are supposed to be their role models:
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