grow together
R E V I V E your first love for Jesus.
R E N E W your mind with HIS Word.
R E S T O R E D victoriously!
The mandate of raising anointed ministers has been part of our vision and direction from the Lord.
Impactful resources touching nations through cable TV, app and online mediums
The church is the vision of Christ. The exsistential reason for every calling in the Body. And so empowering RN churches and fellow believers is our passion.
Shyju and Tiny Mathew are the founding leaders of Revive Nations, a global ministry of anointed ministers and churches. Above all titles they are foremost known to be passionate Jesus lovers that lead an army of Jesus lovers. With a strong unquenchable love for the Lord, they have led many nations to the feet of Jesus. Their motto has simply been, “we love Him because He first loved us.”
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Find Victory in our Dream Realm
When we go to sleep at night, we embark on a journey.
Every night, when we turn off the lights and drift into sleep, we are not just resting, we are going on a journey of discovery. Yet the enemy works overtime to corrupt our journey, even before we start.
How to Cause Maximum Impact
Like a wise farmer to a new gardener, a mentor has walked before the Lord and learnt much from life. As the mentor shares their knowledge, you can quicken your production and interrupt destructive habits that halt growth in your life, by paying close attention to their instructions and duplication of their example.
Just as Paul told Timothy, “Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim. 1:13), so a mentor lays down patterns of growth to follow, with words of life to sustain ongoing production.
How to Strengthen your Weak areas of Life
In my journey, every single strength of my life was developed. In my childhood, I was not a leader. I had no friends. I wasn’t popular, nor the favourite of my teachers. Every part of me had to be developed, and the way I did that, was by first locating my weakness.
Revive Nations Kids on YouTube
Keep your little ones informed, empowered and ignited for Jesus.
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7 Keys to Wise Parenting
To all the places that I have traveled to, I have without exception come across broken...

touching nations
grow together
R E V I V E your first love for Jesus.
R E N E W your mind with HIS Word.
R E S T O R E D victoriously!
The mandate of raising anointed ministers has been part of our vision and direction from the Lord.
Impactful resources touching nations through cabel TV, app and online mediums
The church is the vision of Christ. The exsistential reason for every calling in the Body. And so empowering RN churches and fellow believers is our passion.
Shyju and Tiny Mathew are the founding leaders of Revive Nations, a global ministry of anointed ministers and churches. Above all titles they are foremost known to be passionate Jesus lovers that lead an army of Jesus lovers. With a strong unquenchable love for the Lord, they have led many nations to the feet of Jesus. Their motto has simply been, “we love Him because He first loved us.”
latest resources
Subscribe to the Word
Find Victory in our Dream Realm
When we go to sleep at night, we embark on a journey.
Every night, when we turn off the lights and drift into sleep, we are not just resting, we are going on a journey of discovery. Yet the enemy works overtime to corrupt our journey, even before we start.
How to Cause Maximum Impact
Like a wise farmer to a new gardener, a mentor has walked before the Lord and learnt much from life. As the mentor shares their knowledge, you can quicken your production and interrupt destructive habits that halt growth in your life, by paying close attention to their instructions and duplication of their example.
Just as Paul told Timothy, “Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim. 1:13), so a mentor lays down patterns of growth to follow, with words of life to sustain ongoing production.
How to Strengthen your Weak areas of Life
In my journey, every single strength of my life was developed. In my childhood, I was not a leader. I had no friends. I wasn’t popular, nor the favourite of my teachers. Every part of me had to be developed, and the way I did that, was by first locating my weakness.

Revive Nations Kids on YouTube
Keep your little ones informed, empowered and ignited for Jesus.
Subscribe to us on YouTube
7 Keys to Wise Parenting
To all the places that I have traveled to, I have without exception come across broken...
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