grow together


R E V I V E your first love for Jesus.


R E N E W your mind with HIS Word.


R E S T O R E D victoriously!

It’s time to soar high in your walk with God. Together, stronger.
Touching individuals, cities and nations. Join us at a city near you.

The mandate of raising anointed ministers has been part of our vision and direction from the Lord.

Impactful resources touching nations through cable TV, app and online mediums

The church is the vision of Christ. The exsistential reason for every calling in the Body. And so empowering RN churches and fellow believers is our passion.

Shyju and Tiny Mathew are the founding leaders of Revive Nations, a global ministry of anointed ministers and churches. Above all titles they are foremost known to be passionate Jesus lovers that lead an army of Jesus lovers. With a strong unquenchable love for the Lord, they have led many nations to the feet of Jesus. Their motto has simply been, “we love Him because He first loved us.”

latest resources

Subscribe to the Word

Ten Keys for the End Times

Dear GTH Reader, Recently a prophetic Word was released, Ten Keys for the End Times, as...

Rain Now

Dear Guarding the Heart Family, Rain Now is a powerful prophetic song released by...

Revive Nations Celebrate 30 Years – Thank You for Joining

Did you know it is celebration time for Revive Nations Ministry?
Revive Nations is celebrating our 30th year of Ministry. We are incredibly thankful for this amazing ministry, led by Prophets Shyju and Tiny Mathew, who are defined as Jesus Lovers, above all.

Enjoy this Special Revive Nations with Shyju Mathew 100th Episode Celebration, our television program on GODTV, which airs Monday evenings, reaching over 300 million viewers with a NOW Word from the Lord.


Revive Nations Kids on YouTube

Keep your little ones informed, empowered and ignited for Jesus.


Subscribe to us on YouTube

Spending Valuable Time With Our Children

One of the way we can show our children that they are important and valuable to us is by setting aside quality time for them, since God has placed them in our care. Read on for more.

Finding Delight in Parenting

There are a lot of parallels between our relationship with God, and our relationship with our children. Our understanding of God’s fatherly role in our spiritual lives will often affect our own role as a parent.

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touching nations



grow together


R E V I V E your first love for Jesus.


R E N E W your mind with HIS Word.


R E S T O R E D victoriously!

Touching individuals, cities and nations. Join us at a city near you.

The mandate of raising anointed ministers has been part of our vision and direction from the Lord.

Impactful resources touching nations through cabel TV, app and online mediums

The church is the vision of Christ. The exsistential reason for every calling in the Body. And so empowering RN churches and fellow believers is our passion.

Shyju and Tiny Mathew are the founding leaders of Revive Nations, a global ministry of anointed ministers and churches. Above all titles they are foremost known to be passionate Jesus lovers that lead an army of Jesus lovers. With a strong unquenchable love for the Lord, they have led many nations to the feet of Jesus. Their motto has simply been, “we love Him because He first loved us.”

latest resources

Subscribe to the Word

Ten Keys for the End Times

Dear GTH Reader, Recently a prophetic Word was released, Ten Keys for the End Times, as...

Rain Now

Dear Guarding the Heart Family, Rain Now is a powerful prophetic song released by...

Revive Nations Celebrate 30 Years – Thank You for Joining

Did you know it is celebration time for Revive Nations Ministry?
Revive Nations is celebrating our 30th year of Ministry. We are incredibly thankful for this amazing ministry, led by Prophets Shyju and Tiny Mathew, who are defined as Jesus Lovers, above all.

Enjoy this Special Revive Nations with Shyju Mathew 100th Episode Celebration, our television program on GODTV, which airs Monday evenings, reaching over 300 million viewers with a NOW Word from the Lord.


Revive Nations Kids on YouTube

Keep your little ones informed, empowered and ignited for Jesus.


Subscribe to us on YouTube

Spending Valuable Time With Our Children

One of the way we can show our children that they are important and valuable to us is by setting aside quality time for them, since God has placed them in our care. Read on for more.

Finding Delight in Parenting

There are a lot of parallels between our relationship with God, and our relationship with our children. Our understanding of God’s fatherly role in our spiritual lives will often affect our own role as a parent.

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