grow together
R E V I V E your first love for Jesus.
R E N E W your mind with HIS Word.
R E S T O R E D victoriously!
The mandate of raising anointed ministers has been part of our vision and direction from the Lord.
Impactful resources touching nations through cable TV, app and online mediums
The church is the vision of Christ. The exsistential reason for every calling in the Body. And so empowering RN churches and fellow believers is our passion.
Shyju and Tiny Mathew are the founding leaders of Revive Nations, a global ministry of anointed ministers and churches. Above all titles they are foremost known to be passionate Jesus lovers that lead an army of Jesus lovers. With a strong unquenchable love for the Lord, they have led many nations to the feet of Jesus. Their motto has simply been, “we love Him because He first loved us.”
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The Perfect Pursuit
Little wonder the Lord commanded us to be perfect! Being in all time, the Lord had already purchased our capacity for perfect on the Cross when He made this declaration to His disciples. The command is an invitation! When we pursue oneness with God, a faith-based certainty in His love and His ways, this extraordinary grace to love as He has loved us becomes our every day applied truth. This state of perfect will transform the whole world!
5 Ways to Overcome the Judgement Trap
One of the enemy’s most effective tricks to trap believers is through a self-convinced posture of judgement. It is crucial we resist this trap.
Avoid the Pharisee Trap
In Jesus’s day, the Pharisees were so certain that Jesus was wrong, they turned the heart of the people against their own Saviour, inciting the crowds to shout “Crucify Him!”, when five days earlier, joyful hosannas had echoed off the Jerusalem walls. These zealous leaders were so convinced they were right, they sought the Lord’s destruction, sliding their Scriptures like beads on an abacus, measuring and weighing the very Word of Heaven with hellish accusations of judgement. Self-justified, deceived, without discernment, fuelled by pride and destroyed by conceit, they turned their own people against the Saviour and incited hatred against the very One sent by Heaven for their deliverance.
Sound familiar?
How to Move towards Encounters with God
Encounters with the Lord require a steady gaze. Like the virgins who maintained their lamps, long after the sun set, far past the expected time of arrival by the Bridegroom, (Mathew 25) our steady expectation for God is demonstrated by daily pursuit of our King.Constancy is critical in the Kingdom of God; we can’t quit the pursuit!
As we daily draw near to the One who loves us, staying sensitive and attentive to our King, we kick the world’s distractions to the curb, and place great value on our relationship with King Jesus. As we keep reaching with desperation for the Lover of our Soul, day and night, He is certain to encounter us.
Revive Nations Kids on YouTube
Keep your little ones informed, empowered and ignited for Jesus.
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7 Truths for Mothers in Battle
[French Translation] [Spanish Translation] Even though I started preaching when I was 7...
Don’t Terminate Your Baby!
I was recently introduced to a pastor. Three months into the pregnancy, his pregnant...
Learning From a Child
Many of my close friends are doting fathers who enjoy the responsibility of raising their little children. Their stories have made my wife and me laugh and learn.

touching nations
grow together
R E V I V E your first love for Jesus.
R E N E W your mind with HIS Word.
R E S T O R E D victoriously!
The mandate of raising anointed ministers has been part of our vision and direction from the Lord.
Impactful resources touching nations through cabel TV, app and online mediums
The church is the vision of Christ. The exsistential reason for every calling in the Body. And so empowering RN churches and fellow believers is our passion.
Shyju and Tiny Mathew are the founding leaders of Revive Nations, a global ministry of anointed ministers and churches. Above all titles they are foremost known to be passionate Jesus lovers that lead an army of Jesus lovers. With a strong unquenchable love for the Lord, they have led many nations to the feet of Jesus. Their motto has simply been, “we love Him because He first loved us.”
latest resources
Subscribe to the Word
The Perfect Pursuit
Little wonder the Lord commanded us to be perfect! Being in all time, the Lord had already purchased our capacity for perfect on the Cross when He made this declaration to His disciples. The command is an invitation! When we pursue oneness with God, a faith-based certainty in His love and His ways, this extraordinary grace to love as He has loved us becomes our every day applied truth. This state of perfect will transform the whole world!
5 Ways to Overcome the Judgement Trap
One of the enemy’s most effective tricks to trap believers is through a self-convinced posture of judgement. It is crucial we resist this trap.
Avoid the Pharisee Trap
In Jesus’s day, the Pharisees were so certain that Jesus was wrong, they turned the heart of the people against their own Saviour, inciting the crowds to shout “Crucify Him!”, when five days earlier, joyful hosannas had echoed off the Jerusalem walls. These zealous leaders were so convinced they were right, they sought the Lord’s destruction, sliding their Scriptures like beads on an abacus, measuring and weighing the very Word of Heaven with hellish accusations of judgement. Self-justified, deceived, without discernment, fuelled by pride and destroyed by conceit, they turned their own people against the Saviour and incited hatred against the very One sent by Heaven for their deliverance.
Sound familiar?
How to Move towards Encounters with God
Encounters with the Lord require a steady gaze. Like the virgins who maintained their lamps, long after the sun set, far past the expected time of arrival by the Bridegroom, (Mathew 25) our steady expectation for God is demonstrated by daily pursuit of our King.Constancy is critical in the Kingdom of God; we can’t quit the pursuit!
As we daily draw near to the One who loves us, staying sensitive and attentive to our King, we kick the world’s distractions to the curb, and place great value on our relationship with King Jesus. As we keep reaching with desperation for the Lover of our Soul, day and night, He is certain to encounter us.

Revive Nations Kids on YouTube
Keep your little ones informed, empowered and ignited for Jesus.
Subscribe to us on YouTube
7 Truths for Mothers in Battle
[French Translation] [Spanish Translation] Even though I started preaching when I was 7...
Don’t Terminate Your Baby!
I was recently introduced to a pastor. Three months into the pregnancy, his pregnant...
Learning From a Child
Many of my close friends are doting fathers who enjoy the responsibility of raising their little children. Their stories have made my wife and me laugh and learn.
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