Church Planting and Dealing With Cultural Differences – Pst. Stanley Thomas, NY (Video)

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

April 9, 2011

It is my joy to introduce my young Pastor friend, Stanley Thomas from U.S. He recently got married to a wonderful woman of God, ‘Annette’. The Lord has been using him mightily in many platforms and levels globally. While I was in Kodaikanal a week ago, I got to catch up with him and ask some interesting questions that I believe will bless you. Don’t forget to share your thoughts below.

Video 1: Pastor Stanley talks about his unique initial experiences and the genesis of his church ministry. Learn what it is to be a young person in the church ministry.

Does numbers in the church matter? What should be the focus? And about being faithful to the vision and when ministry becomes personal.

Video 2: Pastor Stanley was born a Malayalee, raised up in the Bronx, studied for sometime at a Baptist seminary in the U.S and ministers to people in different settings.

Learn how you can bring a Biblical balance to your cultural differences. And more on, “Christ is the centre of Christianity.” Dealing with generational gaps. Guarding your heart from getting bitter with traditional surroundings.

Do share your thoughts below, I will certainly request him to view (and respond if necessary.)

Next Sunday: Don’t miss a powerful continuation of this interview on “Dealing with Temptations” Or simply subscribe here to be notified by email.