- 5 Key identity in Christ that will cause you to soar! #ChurchDNA 1
- Our Heart in Christ: #ChurchDNA 2
- 8 Biblical Secrets to Walking in Love: #ChurchDNA 3
- 13 Biblical Keys to Pursue His Presence: #CHURCHDNA 4
- 5 Reasons why Church becomes judgmental – #ChurchDNA 5
- The Key that Unlocks Heaven on Earth – #ChurchDNA 6
- 7 Keys to Finding Treasures that Truly Count: #CHURCHDNA 7
- A Church That Makes Disciples – Our Mission: #ChurchDNA 8
- 7 Keys that Reveal who the Holy Spirit is: #ChurchDNA 9
[Translation: [French | Italian | Spanish]
But do we really know what Love means?
Surprisingly, few do. Here’s what the Bible explains:
While Jesus Christ was walking on this earth, He made a profound statement when He told His disciples in John 13:34-35: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
In other words, the true sign of our discipleship in Christ is the love that the Church, as a body, has one for another.
The Christian Calling
A scribe once approached Jesus to inquire about the greatest and most important commandment. Jesus, without hesitating, answered him in Mark 12:30-31: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
In other words, the Judgement of the Saints is going to weigh more on these two commandments than on anything else!
The most important Christian calling is to walk in Love. If we fail in love, we fail in everything. [tweet this]What does the Bible say about walking in Love?
8 Powerful Keys to Walking in Divine Love and Victory
The Lord has shown me eight Christ like attributes concerning Biblical Love.
Key #1. Every born again believer has been given the ability to love like God loves.
The Bible says in Romans 5:5 that: “The Love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”
We have become children of God because the Holy Spirit has been given to us. When the Holy Spirit came in, He came in with all of God’s love. All of God’s love is currently abiding in you.
Key #2. Love unconditionally.
Jesus said to His disciples: “Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another” (John 13:34).
Love others unconditionally, denying “self” for the care and compassion of others.
Key # 3. Care for one another and protect each other.
Jesus cared for His disciples and protected them. On one Sabbath, Jesus was going through the grain fields with his disciples who became very hungry and began to pick the heads of grain in order to eat them. But the Pharisees were offended at that and questioned Jesus. He chose to defend His disciples (read Matthew 12:7-8).
We are also expected to care for one another and protect each other.
Key # 4. Show patience towards one another.
The disciples were slow to understand, but Jesus showed patience towards them. He corrected them because of their unbelieving and because of their character, but He did not forsake them.
Why are we so quick to give up on believers because they did or said something we could not bear with? Instead of forsaking each other, serve one another in Love to the end.
Key # 5. Show mercy and kindness and compassion towards one another.
Jesus showed mercy, kindness and compassion to His disciples. He did not reprove them for their mistakes and wrongs even though they deserved it. He showed them mercy.
In the same way, we are expected to deal mercifully, kindly and compassionately with one another.
Key # 6. Humble yourself and serve one another.
Jesus humbled himself and served His disciples. He even washed their feet. We understand from this that we are expected to serve one another in absolute humility.
Key # 7. Pray for one another.
Jesus prayed and interceded for His disciples without ceasing.
The Bible tells us in Galatians 6:2-3: “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ”.
The Law of Christ is Love. We are therefore expected to carry the burdens of on another in prayer. [tweet this]Key # 8. Pursue Love intentionally.
The trick of the enemy is to make you believe that there are some people you just can’t love. But know that this is a lie from the Devil!
Do exactly the opposite of what your flesh is urging you to do. By doing so, you crucify the flesh. Only then your Spirit-man – the real you – will start to be in charge.
Love has to be an intentional pursuit before it can become a natural practice. [tweet this]What does the spiritual fruit of Love look like?
The Bible gives us an excellent description of a life characterized by LOVE. Galatians 5:22-23 says: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”
We have received the seed of love in our hearts when we were sealed with the Holy Spirit. We are nourished by the Word of God and we grow in the Lord by obeying His word. We grow into His LOVE in order to produce fruit that is worthy of our calling in Christ!
I will conclude on this note:
If the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, then love is the fullness of wisdom because God is LOVE; to pursue God is to pursue love. [tweet this]Accept our Father’s Love for you today. Share His love with others, and you will be blessed here on earth and throughout all eternity.
Are you willing to pursue His love today?