grow together
R E V I V E your first love for Jesus.
R E N E W your mind with HIS Word.
R E S T O R E D victoriously!
The mandate of raising anointed ministers has been part of our vision and direction from the Lord.
Impactful resources touching nations through cable TV, app and online mediums
The church is the vision of Christ. The exsistential reason for every calling in the Body. And so empowering RN churches and fellow believers is our passion.
Shyju and Tiny Mathew are the founding leaders of Revive Nations, a global ministry of anointed ministers and churches. Above all titles they are foremost known to be passionate Jesus lovers that lead an army of Jesus lovers. With a strong unquenchable love for the Lord, they have led many nations to the feet of Jesus. Their motto has simply been, “we love Him because He first loved us.”
latest resources
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Power Truths from the life of Job (Part One)
Job’s life is a powerhouse of discovery about God and man. In studying Job’s life, we uncover powerful truths, very uncomfortable truths, that can set us free for life! For example, did you know that our fear can limit our unlimited God? In fact, Job’s meditations caused his fears to manifest, to the point of tragic loss. He worried about his kids dying with such intensity, and regularity, that his fearful meditations opened the door for the enemy to rush in.
Creating Worlds: Thinking Matters
Before God spoke any words, for time beyond measure, God imagined. He was thinking about our worlds, perfectly designed galaxies and orbiting systems which flow in utter perfection. For millions of moments, our God sat and thought and imagined! His imagination created our world! You are part of God’s dream that He mediated upon.
5 Keys for Encounter When Heaven Opens
When Love comes down, will we be ready? Can we live in such a posture, that when Heaven draws near, we can sustain this privilege? Can we position ourselves better so we don’t miss any opportunity when Revival arrives? In Daniel 7, Daniel experienced a heavenly vision of such magnitude that his entire countenance changed! With Daniel’s encounter, you can discover critical keys he used to sustain his encounter with Almighty God to help us should the Lord draws near, may He do so!
Revive Nations Kids on YouTube
Keep your little ones informed, empowered and ignited for Jesus.
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Kathryn S. Mathew is here! My God is Incredible!
She is here!!! Tiny is doing strong and fine! Thank you all so much for your invaluable...
Read more“Shyju and tiny how are you. I hope both are fine there. How is the meetings going. The only ones that are awake &go prayer will see the revival son. Where ever you are be with gods presence. Jesus prayed whole night without getting tired. Fix your focus on ministry son. I love you both sooooo much.”
My Mothers Influence in my Life!
Mom took to mobile just few years back & manages to text message me anyhow. People...
The Baby at the Doorstep – Powerful Story and Free Download
Rex and his wife are precious people, who are so committed to love God. The story behind the song is even more powerful! And here it is in his own words. Fasten your seatbelts

touching nations
grow together
R E V I V E your first love for Jesus.
R E N E W your mind with HIS Word.
R E S T O R E D victoriously!
The mandate of raising anointed ministers has been part of our vision and direction from the Lord.
Impactful resources touching nations through cabel TV, app and online mediums
The church is the vision of Christ. The exsistential reason for every calling in the Body. And so empowering RN churches and fellow believers is our passion.
Shyju and Tiny Mathew are the founding leaders of Revive Nations, a global ministry of anointed ministers and churches. Above all titles they are foremost known to be passionate Jesus lovers that lead an army of Jesus lovers. With a strong unquenchable love for the Lord, they have led many nations to the feet of Jesus. Their motto has simply been, “we love Him because He first loved us.”
latest resources
Subscribe to the Word
Power Truths from the life of Job (Part One)
Job’s life is a powerhouse of discovery about God and man. In studying Job’s life, we uncover powerful truths, very uncomfortable truths, that can set us free for life! For example, did you know that our fear can limit our unlimited God? In fact, Job’s meditations caused his fears to manifest, to the point of tragic loss. He worried about his kids dying with such intensity, and regularity, that his fearful meditations opened the door for the enemy to rush in.
Creating Worlds: Thinking Matters
Before God spoke any words, for time beyond measure, God imagined. He was thinking about our worlds, perfectly designed galaxies and orbiting systems which flow in utter perfection. For millions of moments, our God sat and thought and imagined! His imagination created our world! You are part of God’s dream that He mediated upon.
5 Keys for Encounter When Heaven Opens
When Love comes down, will we be ready? Can we live in such a posture, that when Heaven draws near, we can sustain this privilege? Can we position ourselves better so we don’t miss any opportunity when Revival arrives? In Daniel 7, Daniel experienced a heavenly vision of such magnitude that his entire countenance changed! With Daniel’s encounter, you can discover critical keys he used to sustain his encounter with Almighty God to help us should the Lord draws near, may He do so!

Revive Nations Kids on YouTube
Keep your little ones informed, empowered and ignited for Jesus.
Subscribe to us on YouTube
Kathryn S. Mathew is here! My God is Incredible!
She is here!!! Tiny is doing strong and fine! Thank you all so much for your invaluable...
Read more“Shyju and tiny how are you. I hope both are fine there. How is the meetings going. The only ones that are awake &go prayer will see the revival son. Where ever you are be with gods presence. Jesus prayed whole night without getting tired. Fix your focus on ministry son. I love you both sooooo much.”
My Mothers Influence in my Life!
Mom took to mobile just few years back & manages to text message me anyhow. People...
The Baby at the Doorstep – Powerful Story and Free Download
Rex and his wife are precious people, who are so committed to love God. The story behind the song is even more powerful! And here it is in his own words. Fasten your seatbelts
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