2018: The Year to Crossover

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

February 15, 2018

[Translations: [French | Spanish | Creole ]

Like Joshua and the Israelites who Crossed Over the Jordan, God is saying, this 2018, You Be the Miracle!

2017 was special. God had revealed that 2017 would be a “Year of New Beginnings”. We live humbled and thankful for His kindness to our families and churches this past year. Certainly, the Lord confirmed His Word by starting a new chapter in many lives, and with all kinds of breakthrough!

In 2018, God is about to do what we have never imagined. Like the Israelites led by Joshua at the Jordan (Joshua 3-4), 2018 is the Year to Crossover into the promise land! As we put our faith in God and keep our eyes on the Lord, we will have great victories we could never have imagined!

In 2018, we must stop waiting for a miracle to come! We are the ones to carry the miracle! As surely as the priests believed God and carried His Presence into the flooded Jordan, so we must trust our God and cross over into our destiny! When we step out in faith, God promises to do the rest.

Watch this powerful word from Revive Nation’s founder, Pastor Shyju Mathew, from our 2018 New Year’s service. Transcript of the video is below.

May the Lord bless you as you press in for more and Cross Over!


Greetings to you in the precious and matchless Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus! It is so exciting to be able to do this New Year’s video with you.

2017 was special. God said that It would be a “Year of New Beginnings”. And God kept confirming His Word over and over again. Many people had different breakthroughs in different areas of their life. Many had new beginnings with jobs, with their finances, with their marriage, in different parts of their life.

2018, it is important for us to understand what God is doing because when we understand the heart of God for the year, it helps us to face whatever is in the year in a much better fashion. Our friends, our family, our partners and anybody that believes in this can come together with faith through this video. I believe that this will be applicable to you as well.

As we entered into the New Year, we got together on the 31st night of December. We had an amazing service. One of the highlights was our 250th baptism that took place in Montreal. It was so heart touching.  We had a cross over with about 24 other churches that was walking into the New Year with Revive Nations believing God for a breakthrough.

God is about to do what we have never imagined.

I want to share with you a few things that I believe that God is speaking to us about 2018:

In 2018, we must become a people that is all about Jesus: I wake up about Jesus. I talk, it’s about Jesus. I don’t care about losing a job. I don’t care about my house. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. And all these things will be added unto you.”

God brought me to this country. Whether I have a visa or not is not my problem. That is God’s problem. Whether I have a salary or not is not my problem. That is God’s problem.

My worry, is that I love Jesus like never before. That I worship like never before. I give like never before. I clap hands like never before. I dance like never before. I praise like never before. When I love Jesus like never before, I begin to receive breakthroughs like never before.

Ah, you’re too silent for me tonight. If you are ready to receive some breakthroughs like never before, stop worrying about what you will wear. Stop worrying about what you will eat. Stop worrying about whom you are going to get married to.

The theme that God gave us was from the life of the Israelites when they crossed over into Jericho and they had to stop at the Jordan that was overflowing, that was dangerous for them and the family and the children. God said “The way you will overcome this is that your feet will touch the water. At that moment, the water will stop flowing and you will cross over.”

In 2018, there is no more Moses parting the Red Sea. Stop waiting for the rod to be stretched. Stop waiting for the wind. “Where is the wind?  I don’t see the wind!”

God says, “This time, there is no wind coming. I am making you the wind.”

This time, there is no wind coming.

This time, I want you to behave like you know who your God is.

Instead of acting like a little child, saying”Mama, come! Mama, come!” You know how little kids are. They hide behind their Mama.

But in 2018, you are not going to hide behind. Instead, you are going to say, “I know who is in inside me! I know who I am! What He says I am! I am going to walk in the waters!”

Do you remember how in the Old Testament, they waited, “Oh God, where is manna?” and the manna fell. In the New Testament, there was no manna falling. They said, “Oh, no food, no food!”

What did Jesus say?

He said, “You give them food to eat.”

“What do you mean by that, Jesus?” They said, “Jesus, I think You didn’t understand. We are expecting You to open the heaven and bring some manna down.”

In 2018, God is saying, “I am waiting for you.”

In 2018, stop waiting for a miracle to come!

Because God told me to tell you, “You are the miracle!”

I believe that 2018 is not going to be an easy year. It will have its own challenges, like every other year. It will have its own threatening Jordans that fight against us.

But this is the guarantee that God give His people: If you will believe God. If you can put your faith in God. If you keep your eyes on the Ark, you will have great victories that you have never imagined.

I want to speak to every demon that have been fighting you and your house!  You should have stopped us when you could in 2017! But 2018, it’s too late!

Can you go ahead and take thirty seconds and rejoice and celebrate for the victory! Celebrate!

By faith, we are going to cross over!

There are some people that are waiting for the Jordan to stop flowing. “Maybe we will just wait for this thing, you know…I know that God has been a good God. I know He gave us manna from heaven. I know He gave us the quails. But Pastor Lolo, this walking into the river, this is not logical. God wants us to use common sense. This is crazy. Use your brain sometimes. Take it a little easy. Don’t keep talking about revival all the time.”

God is attracted to a group of crazy God-believing people!

By faith, we are going to conquer kingdoms.

We are going tor receive our promises.

By faith, in 2018, you are going to shut the mouth of the lion!

By faith, you are going to quench the power of the fire. Let the fire burn, but it won’t touch you!

By faith, you are going to escape the sword.

In 2018, by faith, the weak will become strong. You are going to become mighty in war. You’re going to put armies to flight! They will come against you in one way but they will run in seven different ways!

Shout, “By faith, I am crossing over!”

As I close this video, I want to finish with this thought:

As Elijah and Elisha crossed over Jordan, something happened. There was a great impartation, there was a great blessing, there was a great anointing that was released. But that breakthrough did not come upon him without a price. He had to let go of his past. He had to tear his old garment in order to receive the new.

That is something we have to pay attention to throughout this year. We die to ourself. We die to our past. We die to our negativity, our flaws, our failures and surrender at the feet of Jesus and when we do, the resurrection power will flow through us.

God says, “Can you tell My people to trust Me without questioning Me?

Because when you trust someone, you stop questioning.

I don’t want to ask God why we lost our third child…I don’t want to ask God why we lost whatever we lost.

The Bible says, “For the joy that was kept before Him”.

Jesus took the cup of suffering because He knew what was coming ahead.

When you don’t have hope, the smallest things can destroy you. But when you know that 2018 is Crossover, I shall cross into my promise. What God has promised will be established in 2018.

I woke up this morning with the Voice in my head, asking, “Can you drink of the cup of suffering without questioning?

When you know that Jesus is with you, the God who promised that 2018 is the year of promise, no matter what happens, you will have a smile on your face. Whatever the enemy throws at you, you will just say, “It’s okay, let’s go on..”

If you like status quo and mediocre, 2018 may not be the best year. Because 2018, God is challenging to dream for what we can never have imagined. God is challenging us to expect what we have never seen before. That is only possible if we won’t quit because of a flesh wound. That is only possible if we will rise up with faith and walk right into our challenges and say, “Because of Christ, Oh you Zerubbabel, who are you? You will be removed. It is not by might nor by power but it is by the Spirit.”

I hope you are blessed. If you are blessed by this video, don’t forget to share this with your family and friends.

I want to pray with you:  Father, we want to thank You for this opportunity that You gave me to pray and to share this word with our family and friends. Lord I pray for every single person that has come this far in life. I am asking You for Your blessing and for Your grace. May this 2018, because it is going to be a unique year, Lord, let it not not be a year that we will live without understanding but let there be great blessing and great breakthrough. I pray that You would increase our understanding of how we will face this year, for mighty blessings. We thank You for your Word. I pray even as your children watch this video, let them go into this year with a fresh anointing and a fresh grace of God. Increase their capacity,  their might, that not only will they survive every attack of the enemy but they will thrive in this season. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen!

I hope you were blessed. I want to encourage, if you have not already done, please subscribe to this channel and partner with us. God bless you!