Freedom Before Time

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

October 14, 2024

Can you think of any slave who wouldn’t choose freedom before their indentured time required?

In the Old Testament, there was a law that stated explicitly that if somebody was a servant or captured as a slave, every 50 years, all debts were cancelled and everyone gained their freedom.

With Jubilee, your life, your destiny and your future is restored (Leviticus 25).

Now,  if your current timeline is Year 49, this is great news. But what if it is Year 12 or Year 2 for you?  You could potentially wait decades for freedom to come!

Then Enters Jesus.

One day in Nazareth, Jesus stood up in the synagogue, carefully searched the scrolls, and declared:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed; 

To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” (Luke 4:18-19)

Jesus, our Deliverer, as King of Kings, the One who created all time, searched for a specific Word and then declared over all the oppressed and depressed who were listening, those who could not wait for the clock to run down, that Jubilee had arrived!

For a people with time not on their side, in the midst of such burden, Jesus found the exact Word to deliver His people. Though by Jewish law, the High Priest was to declare the Jubilee in the fiftieth year, Jesus, as King of Kings and Great High Priest, proclaims the season of Jubilee to those with time not on their side.

Two Dimensions of the Kingdom of God

Do you know, in the Kingdom of God, for anything to become a reality, two dimensions are required: 1. The Word is written and 2. The Word is proclaimed.

Jesus searched for the Word to proclaim freedom to those enslaved. Jesus stood up between the visible and the invisible, interrupted the plans of the enemy and proclaimed that which was written for another timeline, as now.

The Lord Jesus declares so clearly, “Today, the Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.

Jesus brought liberty from another timeline with the written Word. Since the word of Jubilee was already written, Jesus as Deliverer, found that which was written, stood and proclaimed liberty to His people.

Jesus understood it is the spoken Word that manifests heaven on earth. Nothing that is visible happens without an explicit declaration by the Kingdom of God, invisible or visible otherwise.

Stay Alert to Hear

Consider the shepherds.

While Bethlehem slept, a host of angels announced the arrival of Jesus. Only these shepherds, alert and prayerful, heard the declaration! Those shepherds who heard the declaration by the angelic hosts will never be the same again!

If we remain watchful and prayerful, we too, will hear the declarations of God to enter timelines we could never have entered otherwise!

Do you have ears to hear what the Lord is saying in this season?

Head to hear the full sermon by clicking here, Freedom Before Time.

May you be blessed by this timely Word.



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