Intimacy With The Holy Spirit

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

August 13, 2008

I want to share something fresh with you, straight from the heart of God. It was revealed to me during my prayer time, something that has been burning in my heart since.

It’s about the third Person in the Trinity, the precious, sweet & gentle Holy Spirit. Beware: Ignoring the third Person in the Trinity is ignoring God himself!

We have been right in seeking the Holy Spirit for the manifestation of God’s power in terms of miracles, signs and wonders. But do we realize where our generation has gone wrong?

We have been fully satisfied with outward displays that God is present, that He is at work, helping us, healing us and handling our ‘business’, when the truth is, Holy Spirit desires intimacy with each of us.

The Spirit of God longs to have a close intimate relationship with each and every person in the Body of Christ.

Hear the groaning of the Spirit! The Spirit of God is longing for a personal relationship with you! Even though we seek Him for all the right biblical reasons – His gifts, His anointing & His power – yet by ignoring the part of knowing Him as an individual, we have indirectly ignored Him completely!

If God is speaking to you, this is your wake up call!

Start longing for His presence. Start listening to what He has to say to you, rather than try and get Him to say only what you want to hear!

Intimacy began in Genesis, in the Garden of Eden
In the Garden, God longed to fellowship with us, but took hold and we walked away from Him. Almost a thousand years later, when a man named Enoch walked with God, the Lord missed walking with man so much, that He caught hold of Enoch and did not let him go! Enoch became one with God and he was no more to be seen. (Gen 5:24)

In the Old Testament, the Israelites refused Him
When God visited the Israelites, they begged Moses to be the spokesperson instead! God agreed and said, ‘They are right in what they have spoken. I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers. And I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. (Deuteronomy 18:16-18)

In the New Testament: God walked in flesh. His Name is JESUS!
In mercy,  God removed the glory and the thunder of His visitation, and in came Jesus, who walked among us as a Man, in the flesh, but our forefathers denied him too! (Matthew 27: 22)

Acts 29: It is our time!
Once the Church was birthed,  the third Person in the Trinity, Holy Spirit came for us all. Just as Lord Jesus promised, His Spirit roared in with tongues of fire to set the Bride aflame!

But do we hear His cry or do we continue to deny His longing?

Are we doing the right thing by desiring the manifestation of the Spirit,yet forgetting His Personhood?

It’s not wrong to ask God for gifts, but may this generation guard their heart! Let us focus on the Person of the Holy Spirit. Let’s spend time with Him to understand His heart, to learn what grieves Him, to do what makes Him happy.

Friends, it’s not about us; it’s all about Him! We are in His ministry!

Let us give Holy Spirit the glory and honour that is due unto Him.

Give Him your time.

Give Him yourself.

Seek Him more than anything. More than His Hand, seek His heart.

Know His heartbeat.

Can we truthfully say, “Lord God, with or without any outward manifestations, the glitz, the glamour or the glory, I am still committed to You! I will love You and follow You!  My God, with or without the Thunders and the Wonders, I am YOURS!”?

Men and women of God who were powerfully used by God did not get there by crying for gifts, but because they developed a personal, intimate relationship with the Spirit. 

In your car, in your office, at your house, and in your shower, will you walk with Him?

The Spirit of the living God is waiting for a generation to have an intimate fellowship with Him, come what may! Yes, it will be costly, but I can assure you, it is worth every bit of it! As David said: I will not offer up on the alter what costs me nothing! (2 Samuel 24:25).

Will you be the one who hears Holy Spirit’s cry ? 

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