[Translation: [French | Spanish]
The well-known story of Moses and the burning bush is one of God’s most unique encounters in the Bible.
Before I share the story of the thorny bush let me bring you to the context. The bible tells us that there was a huge famine all around the world. Only the Israelites enjoyed providence because of the wisdom which was given to them by God through the reign of Joseph.
God blessed the Israelites and led them to Egypt to live there happily while there was a famine all around the world. They had the favor of Pharaoh, so the Israelites were given land. But after Pharaoh died, the new Pharaoh started oppressing the Israelites because they grew in numbers and became a threat to Egypt.
“During that long period, the king of Egypt died. The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God. God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them.” [Exodus 2: 23-25]
So the blessing became a bondage! This is scary! This was a blessing from the Lord yet it had now enslaved them.
When does a blessing become a bondage?
The blessing becomes a bondage when we are married to the blessing and forget about the One who blessed us.
Gershom was only a temporary relief. But they embraced it as a permanent solution.
Here’s a lesson we can learn from it. Stay disconnected from both your successes, and failures.
Focus on the purpose and do not live on the results. [tweet this]If you do what you do because you believe in what you must do, then nothing will take you down.
Stay focused. Don’t be a stagnant Christian. We must grow every year, every month, and become more hungry for Jesus.
We must become uncomfortable about our comfort zones . [tweet this]“There must be more than this!”
Stagnancy is death: when nothing comes in, and nothing goes out of a living organism, death is imminent. So it is with life.
Move first to become a movement. [tweet this]Don’t make the same mistake the Israelites did. The Israelites changed, generations changed, but the bondage did not break.
Who will lead Israel out of bondage?
Moses now who was in exile, took care of the flocks of his father in law. And there he was, one day, back in desert climbing up the Mount of God. Knowingly or unknowingly, he climbed into his destiny.
What excites me is this: When Moses was going through his personal wilderness, God placed a mountain for his encounter.
Every wilderness in your life has a Mountain you can climb up to meet with God [tweet this].
There, on the top, is your destiny.
God was positioning Moses to be a savior for his generation. But this plan didn’t unfold until he climbed up the mountain of God. Moses had his own sufferings, but he pressed in and God in turn used it for the salvation of his generation.
The mount of God in your life
You have to be able to walk up and not give up. Keep going forward and don’t get discouraged: you will get to the mountain of God. Just like Elijah, do not give up, rise up, and start walking! Don’t give up in the wilderness and God will help you get to your destination.
If you want to be a blessing to a generation you must climb the mountain of prayer and meet with God.
You may not yet see the breakthrough coming but if you remain at the feet of Jesus, He will send you a breakthrough.
God can do in a moment what you cannot achieve in a lifetime! [tweet this]There, on the top of the Mountain, was an encounter. Do not ignore the burning bush!
I will continue this throughout next week on “The legend of the thorny bush”.
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