The Two Clouds that Cover Us

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

January 25, 2024

Happy 2024, dear Reader! This year is certain to bring great challenge and great exploits, so rest assured, this Word is for you! May this Word equip you for victory in 2024. May our generation ascend the Mountain of God for His Glory!

The Cloud of Sin

Here is a powerful truth: Our God knows us!  He knows our weakness, our strengths, our temptations, our struggles and our failures.

All too often, in our brokenness, we sin.  We let the enemy’s cloud of sin and temptation lead us away from God. Then, we forget His mercy and fall for the enemy’s lies and deception that we are unworthy of His Presence and sometimes, defeated, we sin even more. Like Adam and Eve, we run and hide from His Gaze or sulk at a distance, blinded by the enemy’s cloud of guilt and fear.

Has the enemy’s lies so discouraged you, made you feel so disqualified, that you faked your faith even as you struggled with guilt and condemnation?

Don’t play the enemy’s game.

When we pretend, and done religious masks, faking a holiness we do not practice, we withdraw from our God. We can’t be true to God and deceive others at the same time.  When we live religious, life leaves us.

Don’t let the pressure get to you.

Instead of living a life pretending a perfection we do not practice, cry out for His mercy. If ever there is Someone who understands and love us, it is our Lord Jesus.

Certainly, if Adam and Eve had humbled themselves instead of hiding in a bush when they sinned, if they had run and clung to the feet of God and not let up until He pardoned them, we would still be in the Garden today!

Next time, you feel unqualified, refuse the enemy’s lies of rejection, and walk into the embrace of the Father. He wholly knows us and loves us anyways!

The Cloud of God’s Presence

There is a constant tug of war, between flesh and spirit that believers endure (Galatians 5:17).  Yet if you will seek God and refuse the temptations of this world, there is a Cloud that will separate you from the enemy,

As the Israelites exited Egypt to worship God upon His mountain, the Cloud separated Israel from the enemy who pursued them.

When Moses went up the mountain at God’s command, he encountered the Cloud, and was sustained in His Presence for forty days and nights (Exodus 24:18).

As Jesus’ three disciples climbed up the mountain, they too encountered the Cloud and heard a Voice from heaven (Luke 9).

To enter the Cloud, climbing up the mountain of God is required.

Climb Up to God and Carry the Cloud

How, then, do we climb up the Mountain of God? The mountain of God is more than a location, it is a state of separation unto the Lord.

To climb up to God, you have to starve your flesh from what it likes and feed your spirit with what God wants. In desiring what God desires, and refusing what your flesh craves, you separate yourself to God.

Like Enoch, Moses and Peter, you ascend the mountain, choice by choice for the Lord. In that place of devotion, of loving what the Lord loves and hating what the Lord hates,  life in God is formed. In that consecrated place, God’s Cloud separates you from the enemy, from the world, from everything that would pull you away from His Gaze.

When Jesus went up the mountain, three of his disciples, Peter, James and John, chose Jesus over their lunch, their friends, the shopping, because they knew Jesus had a way of withdrawing that was different from everyone in their generation and they were not going to be left behind!  In this decision, they ascended the mountain, long before their feet touched the soil.

God is looking for a group of people who will starve their flesh and go up the mountain, that the Cloud of His Presence may come down!

If we can value our God enough to deny our flesh, if we would refute the enemy’s lies and confidently ascend, we will learn the secret of hosting His Cloud.

As His children, we are designed to carry the Cloud, His Presence, to this generation!

If you have enjoyed encountering this Word, head to Youtube for the sermon, The Two Clouds that Cover Us.  The Shyju Mathew App has full sermons and many resources for a generation who longs for the Presence of our God.





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