Will My Money Buy My Breakthrough


Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

August 18, 2012

By Kapil George.

Over the years I have observed a certain trend, a belief in the body of Christ that is widely popular amongst many charismatic circles. I have attended services, received mails and seen this specific belief taught and endorsed by some of the most respected preachers, even via TV. Initially out of my respect for them, I followed this teaching as I followed their ministries. However after looking through the lens of scripture I found out that most of what I heard didn’t match up with anything Jesus taught.

money bag

You may ask, “so what is this teaching”?

It is the commonly taught belief that your breakthrough lies in your money.

moneyNot too long ago, I sat through a midweek service at a church visited by a guest speaker, who is an internationally acclaimed preacher. I went to the service looking for an answer, a breakthrough in my life.

The message that followed was quite powerful, yet the conclusion seemed incongruous. Yes, the message was trailed by an invitation to respond for your breakthrough by giving money.

I sat there wondering, “Is this true”? Part of me hoped it was. If money could get me my breakthrough, boy it sure would make life so easy! Yet I left the service talking to the Lord about it and it sure left me thinking.

Learning From Jesus

I truly believe that sowing financially can reap financial miracles and giving to the Lord in “faith” can bring about breakthroughs. Yet I do not see anywhere in the scriptures where Jesus required people to give money in order to get healed, delivered, find breakthroughs etc. In fact Jesus said, “freely you have received, freely give” (when He anointed the 12). The only requirement Jesus had for people seeking answers was “faith”. His common inquiry was “Do you believe” not “Can you give”? Has that changed? I’m quite sure it hasn’t! Yet people have been led to believe that they could buy what Jesus already paid for.

In giving, our hearts should be found in a place of deep gratitude and understanding that everything we have comes from God. James 1:17 “Every good and perfect gift comes from above”.  We should not think that God will be moved when He sees our money and come through for us. God is not moved by our money. He is moved by our hearts. “… and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” Heb 11:6.  Yet, when we do give out of thankful heart, God loves it and is truly moved. “for God loves a cheerful giver” 2 Cor 9:7.

Let the Truth of God’s Word Triumph

It is truly not my intent to be critical about fellow ministers but I have seen this belief permeate into the lives of many believers and I always hoped someone would say something because it left me confused myself. I pray that the truth of God’s Word would trump the many popular man made doctrines and lead us back into the simplicity of the gospel.

Discuss: What are your views on this? Have you come across similar experiences? How did you deal with it?