Powerful Quotes for Preachers by E. M. Bounds

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

September 16, 2013

A friend who is reading a book by E.M.Bounds sent me some stirring quotes from E.M.Bounds. I hope it blesses you too.


– Your sermons last but an hour or two, but your life preaches everyday.

– You are God’s message!

– When we become lovers of praise and recognition we have already ruined our heart’s intent and the purpose of our ministry.

– Give yourself to prayer and get your thoughts, texts and words from God.

– We need to get our sermons in prayer!

– God’s method is to use men.

– The church is looking for better methods but God is looking for better men!

– The Holy Ghost doesn’t flow through methods but through men.

– God doesn’t anoint plans but He anoints Men- Men of prayer!

– A preacher will either make or mar the message from God, each time we are given an opportunity to speak for God and we either make His message clear or we mar it! We are failing in our God given assignment and cheating our God

– The preacher is the instrument of God through which the golden oil flows, we need to make sure we are flawless and clean so that we don’t hinder the flow or waste the flow.

– The preacher makes the sermon, he needs to be impregnated from God.

– Preaching is an outflow of God’s life through the messenger! How we need Godly messengers!

– Your sermon shows where you are with God!

– When you are full of God your message will be full of God!

– The Gospel of Jesus Christ should be our heart and life blood!

– We should live greater than our sermons.

– Dead men give out dead sermons and dead sermons kill!

– Everything depends on the spiritual state of the preacher.

– Jonathan Edwards said, “The heaven I desire is the heaven of holiness.”

– The preacher must impersonate the gospel. Love, mercy, compassion, forgiveness must flow through this person. Self denial, mercy, compassion and love should fuel his ministry. Clothed in humility, abiding in meekness, wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove, spirit of a king with simplicity and sweetness of a child!

– Don’t live to please men or fear men! It’s a snare that will limit your vision and calling.

– Any preachers strongest / sharpest preaching should be to himself and then to the world.

– Preachers are not sermon makers but sinner to saint makers!

– God needs men with great love, great humility, great faith and pure holiness.

– The preaching man should be a praying man.

– Prayer is the preachers mightiest weapon.

– A real sermon is made in the closet and delivered in the public.

– The man of God is made in the closet of prayer.

– Our convictions and revelations should be born in the secret place of communion with God.

– The pride of learning is against our dependence of God! Knowledge will fail but revelation will live on.

– Without prayer we are powerless to carry out God’s agenda in this world!

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