Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
What exactly does it look like to train up a child?
RN Kids delights to hear from the mother of Revive Nations ministry with this special edition, Parent Post by Pastor Mama Tiny.

In Deuteronomy 11:9, Moses exhorts the people: You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
Parents, on every occasion, teach your children the Word. Teach your children the Word of God when you are with them at home, when they go to sleep, when they rise up, when you are going out with them, because the world has a lot of nonsense to offer.
As parents, the best thing we can offer our children is teaching them the Word of the Lord and the ways of the Lord.
Even from the Old Testament, the Word was given much importance because the Word of God is God!
John 1:1 states, In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and Word was God.
By teaching your children the Word, you are teaching them about God Himself!
Share the Word with your children, as an ongoing part of your family life, so that your children will love the Word and know the Word to guide them through their lives.
So how can we get the Word to our kids?
1. Share your hunger for the Word.
Let your children see you reading the Word daily, that you put priority on the Bible as your daily pursuit. Begin and end the day with the Word, by yourself in your time with the Lord, and with your children. As you feed on the Word, your children will be well fed too.
2. Share your faith.
Share your faith in your house, on the way, when you lie down and when you rise, in every aspect of your living! Every time you receive a breakthrough or testimony, share that with your children and take them along the journey so they see the goodness of God.
3. Share the testimonies of God’s goodness in your life with your children.
Let them know the powerful and loving God you worship! Even during the dark times, teach your children to praise the Lord and rejoice in Him at all times. As parents we have to be faithful stewards of our kids and the Lord will direct their paths.
May your love for God inspire your children to become mighty warriors in the Kingdom!
I pray His love will shine bright in your homes and peace will be your portion!