Revive Kids
RN Kids: An Attitude of Gratitude

Hey Kids, did you know that you can stay happy by staying thankful? That’s called an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE!
When we shift our attitude, we shift our altitude! As our thoughts go up, up, up to God, our hearts go up, up, up in praise. We ascend to God by our thankful hearts. As we lift Jesus higher, we go higher too!
Sometimes, as kids, we might get caught up in pity parties. You know what that sounds like? Poor Me! Not Fair! Why me? Yet as soon as you start trudging on that road, your eyes go down on yourself, your heart tumbles and soon, you aren’t feeling happy, you are feeling sad, or mad, but definitely not glad.
So what can we do?
The Bible says, in Psalm 69:30, I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.
God gets bigger in our hearts when we start thanking Him! No, He doesn’t change size! We just see God way better when our hearts are thankful.
King David wrote, in Psalm 116:17, I will offer to you the sacrifice of thanksgiving and call on the name of the LORD.
Kids, no matter what our age is, we can build an altar of praise to the Lord, anytime and anywhere, just by thanking God for every good thing He has done and is doing in our lives!
Thank King Jesus for coming and saving us! We can thank Father God that we have air in our lungs to breathe, or that we are able to read these words, that we have Revive Nations Kids to watch, and that our parents are so awesome to bring us to this River! There are thousands upon thousands of reasons to thank God, so pick a few, every day, and build a beautiful altar of praise to the God Who loves you!
If you want to hear more about this thanksgiving thing, head to Episode 35: An Attitude of Gratitude on Revive Nations Kids. See you there!
Parents, we thank God for Prophets Shyju and Tiny Mathew, Founders of Revive Nations, as we continue to bring kids closer to Jesus through these exciting new online videos. Please share with a friend and be blessed!