This past November, a mighty feast from the Lord was released through daily online meetings to powerfully equip saints to govern across the globe. Three critical Words have been released from this Feast at the King’s Table in preparation for Crossover in 2025.
The Correct Way to Battle in the Spirit – Click to watch!
After a powerful encounter from Joshua 5:13-15, great keys were revealed on how to glean from greatness, the posture required when dimensions of Heaven are unlocked, and the clear advantage of sonship when engaged in spiritual warfare to access spiritual understanding for victory.
(Head to Prophet Shyju Mathew’s channel to learn more on the Live Videos from this anointed Feast.)
When Joshua stood before the angel in Joshua 5:13-15, treasures and secrets were released for Israel’s victory. Like Joshua, we receive freedom from the Lord to become the deliverer for our home. Our personal deliverance is key to the deliverance of our home, our generation, and the nations!
Consider the battle against the Amalekites in Exodus 17. Do you see how Moses went up the mountain and Joshua led the battle on the ground?
Question: How did Moses communicate with his spiritual son in the battle?
Way before smart phones, walkie talkies or field radios, the connection between this father and his spiritual son was spiritual! In truth, though Moses up the mountain was far away physically from Joshua, yet spiritually, he could not have been closer to his son.
With Moses’ aerial perspective, the Israelites had a massive spiritual advantage, as this father warred for his children.
We win when we move forward in battle by the power of the Spirit and with the instructions of our spiritual covering! Do not enter a battle unless the ascent up the mountain has already been secured!
Receiving Medals of Honour: The Plunder of Battle – Part 2
Question: Are you FREEBORN?
Moses was never a slave, which is why he alone could lead a million slaves to freedom. Slavery had not consumed his perspective like the Israelites. To lead with victory, every mindset of slavery must be demolished!
Truly, as a Child of God, you are FREEBORN. Your perspective, your mindset, your identity must be anchored in your freedom in Christ.
Galatian 5:1 states, “For freedom, Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.”
The sign of freedom is your ability to create things, to invent, to produce, for Child of God, you are inspired to inspire.
Question: Check your life: How much have you been creating?
If you are not producing, expose every slavery mindset to the Lord, until you are free indeed! Do not let the battle tell you otherwise!
Remember, the spoils of war are only achieved by going to war and winning! Our oil, our armour, and our skills are upgraded by every battle by the Lord.
Medals of honour are awarded to those who have the faith and courage to move forward and win. So do not quit!
Keep your eyes on the prize! You are certain to win, for the Lord God fights for you!
Joshua testified, “One man of you puts to flight a thousand, since it is the Lord your God who fights for you, just as He promised you.” (Joshua 23:10).
If you can survive the battle, and accept that warfare only prepares you for greater warfare, you will begin to thrive and the spoils of war will be yours to enjoy.
Spiritual Pursuit Unlocked: Accessing the Spiritual by Refusing the Natural – Part 3
Question: When you encounter greatness, can you decode and learn from the encounter or is your past experience your limitation?
When Joshua encountered the angel of the Lord, with the sword in hand, he gleaned every aspect of warfare needed to conquer Jericho and 31 kings after, to win, to reign and to govern the Promise Land which God has given.
On earth, every resource is produced from raw materials. A sword is fashioned from iron, a table from wood, a sweater from wool. Yet in Heaven, materials are not shaped; they are created by the spoken Word from the mouth of God.
This is the sword which the angel held before Joshua. Joshua, instead of being comforted by the greatness of the Angel, instead, gleaned every aspect to lead Israel to victory by the power of the Spirit.
Likewise, when John encountered Jesus on Patmos, he encountered not the natural Man Jesus whom John had laid his head against. John’s need for comfort in that barren place could have been the end of his revelation. Instead, John denied the natural and remained in the Spirit. There, John discovered untold dimensions of Heaven, including the sword!
Rev 1:16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.
Such is the nature of our spiritual pursuit. To grow in strength and power and understanding, we must empty ourselves of our physical, natural experiences and pursue the Spirit of God.
In 2025, are you willing to know the Lord more?
As you seek Him, may you greatly find Him in 2025!
His Nearness is our Greatness.
Prophet Shyju
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