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My Letter to Friends in Corporate

My Letter to Friends in Corporate

It was a joy to discover that there were many small fellowships that took place in different companies in Chennai. They desired for a revival of their hearts and took initiative to organize a combined meeting for all these fellowships that God might revive them. God...

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A College Student & Revival!

A College Student & Revival!

In the year 1905 in Wales, revival was born in the heart of a college student. His name was Evan Roberts. He read and heard about some of the great revivals that had occurred in Wales and other places, and his heart was stirred with this subject of revival.

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Break Up Breaking You?

Break Up Breaking You?

Have you heard the recent news of some scientists in London who claims to have moved closer to making a pill that you can pop that can get rid of bad memories?

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The Power of Your Presence

The Power of Your Presence

This is a guest post by Rev. Dr. John McDonald. This post is mainly aimed for Leaders in the ministry. It could still bless you, if you see yourself heading that direction. I believe this is an important warning and check that could bring a balance...

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Single and Waiting

Single and Waiting

Of all life’s most important decisions, marriage comes a close second to that of our salvation. Being single and waiting is not supposed to be difficult and God, who created the Universe and all things that are or will ever be, knows that really well.

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