To The Praying Generation

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

January 25, 2009

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Praying Generation


You’ve been praying, fasting and seeking God but nothing dramatic is happening. You feel discouraged and at times wonder whether God is really listening. So much so, that you are thinking of quitting to pray.

Am I talking about you? If yes, then this post is especially for you. God wants you to know that your prayer is being heard and even though you don’t see anything on the outside, things are happening in the spiritual realm.

Have you ever studied the process of incubation of an egg? Outwardly there is nothing happening– its size and shape remains the same from its formation, not even a milimetre grows. But from the inside, the process has already begun. Can human eyes see it? No! But that does not mean that growth is not happening. Slowly the chick develops from within, without any outwardly visible perceptible signs. And then, once the process is fully complete, the young one comes out.

So it is with you. As you seek His will, the Lord will fulfill your desires in His perfect time, so that He might be glorified through you!

Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit for the impossible to be conceived through her. And so every minute that Mary was under the shadow of the Holy Spirit, so much more the baby grew within her. Similarly, God has planted seeds of destiny within you which will grow as you remain under His wings. Don’t allow the devil to bring thoughts of defeat or doubt in your spirit. Arise now from your hurt and pain, go back on your knees, under the shadow of the wings of your Creator and He will honor you in due time. Don’t quit!

Question: How do you strengthen yourself in your waiting period with God?

Series NavigationPraying Generation – II (From The Heaven’s Oven) >>

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