My Letter to Friends in Corporate

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

July 15, 2010

It was a joy to discover that there were many small fellowships that took place in different companies in Chennai. They desired for a revival of their hearts and took initiative to organize a combined meeting for all these fellowships that God might revive them. God did honour their faith by blessing the meeting with His mighty presence.

After which I was encouraged by their many letters on how God has been moving in their hearts igniting new passion for Him. Following which, I had the privilege to reply and address them through this letter hoping to fan to flames of what God has been doing among them.
After some thought, I desired that the letter should be made public that many more believers in the corporate segment should believe for an unprecedented move of God in our times. Please feel free to share this link with all your working friends.

Here it is:

My dear friends in the corporate world,

I am very encouraged to hear what God has done with the last meeting. I am glad that your passion and zeal for God has skyrocketed but I believe there is more that is coming your way. I want you to please hear me out for few minutes with a prayerful heart. God has kept you in that company for a greater purpose. And I believe that purpose is for God to visit your company and beyond through you.

The heartbeat of God for man is very clear through the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples. Notice that Jesus began by praising the Father and then immediately Jesus asks the Father this: “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Mathew 6: 10

Jesus repeatedly went to seek the will of the Father. Jesus knew the will of the Father that, “everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life,John 6: 40 yet He also knew that no-one could come to Jesus unless the Father drew that person to Jesus (John 6: 44). Therefore, Jesus was completely dependent on seeking the face of the Father as often as He could.

It is very clear with that verse that Jesus desires for the restoration of God’s plan for humanity. God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. There is no doubt that God desires for our nations to be crime-free, sin-free, sickness-free zones on earth. The glory of God on earth, the Kingdom of God on earth with God, the sole King’s wills being sought and done.

Jesus, many a times, immediately after releasing the healing that humans craved for, reminded them not to sin anymore. The compassion of Jesus was not based on how miserable sickness was but out of the deep love that the Father had for that soul. I pray that very compassion that Jesus had towards humanity must devour heart and lead our spirits to much travailing for their souls.

The prayer of Jesus was very intense. Sometimes Jesus wailed. At Gethsemane, His tears fell as blood; all this while, birthing the plan of God through Him. Real soul travailing prayer is equal to the birth pains of a woman. Souls are born with this kind of prayer. And for us to see a revival in this generation, in your company, we must pursue the Gethsemane experience with Jesus.

So today, you can have two things happen at your office prayer meet. You can either have a normal prayer meeting, be encouraged yourself and go back to work OR you can seek God with tears like never before, with intense travailing prayer to see His glory invade your office.

So I challenge you and beg of you to go on your knees. Our generation needs that kind of prayer!

Forget who you are, your position in the office and seek God for a revival in your company. Do this today, tomorrow and everyday. Till you see that revival happen in your company.

Much prayers for you and your company.

Your brother in Christ.

Would you share with us below what God is doing at your company? I believe it will be of encouragement to our readers.