How God Uses Tears in a Believers Life – Power Nuggets

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

April 14, 2013

See all the Power Nuggets Here


Tears are very important element in a human structure because it is very closely connected to the heart.

The more cold and hard your heart becomes, the more tears disappear. A soft and tender heart are quick to tears.


In fact, the Spirit of God that lives in you prays for us with groanings too deep for words (Rom8:26), and Jesus Himself was not ashamed to weep often in public (Heb 5:7).

Every believer must seek God for the gift of tears to weep in private and wail in public.

King David learnt the secret in Psalm 51:17 when he declared “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.”

A bitter heart fights tears. An unforgiving soul hardens heart. A real man is not afraid to show his emotions.


Cry for the things of God and not for the things of the world. Tears from pain, shame or anxiety are signs of a fearful believer. Cry for the people of God. Cry for the people that perish.

God sees & holds your tears, don’t waste them over the futile desires of the earth. Weep over things that grieve the heart of God.

The tenderness of heart opens our ears to the Spirit, to the silent whispers of God.

[ClickToTweet] Guard your heart today! That is when you act as and be a friend of God.

Has weeping before God in private or public been difficult? What have you learnt about opening yourself before God?


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