Need for Relevance in the Church…

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

April 22, 2015

…is made to look sinful and is sneered at with names such as “seeker sensitive” movements.

I want you to see the other side of the coin. Jesus sat at the well and waited. He observed, asked, listened and then drew the Samaritan woman into the message He had for her soul.

Paul observed in Athens and spied the land till he found the idol of the “unknown god” which was a point of conversation to the people of Athens.

Notice Philip. When God sent him to the Ethiopian eunuch, not only did he observe him reading Isaiah, he paid attention to the reading following which he drew him into the conversation.

relevance in churchIf evangelism and the transformation of the cultures is a work of the Holy Spirit, then we need to pay attention to what relevance God uses as a point of contact.

Where the seeker sensitive movements have failed is when we become relevant, useful and efficient to the culture and the community, we end with a good smile and a sandwich. We get too afraid to mention Jesus. We sugar coat the gospel. We then walk on a tight rope of hanging on to the people and not the gospel.

Let’s be the balance. Let’s not hastily throw out the message without seeking the Helper, the Holy Spirit. Let’s pray and seek God for the right approach in different cultures and communities you may be reading this from. And once we find the relevance, let us not stop there but pour out our hearts for the One who died for us!


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