8 Tips to Prepare for Sunday

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

September 19, 2019

Have you ever wondered how some people get so much out of a service while others don’t?

Do you think young Jacob would have slept better on that cold desert floor if he knew he was resting right before Almighty God?

Would perception of God at Jacob’s side have allayed his fears and stayed the tears which surely marked his journey?

Beautiful friends, your church is a house of God. We don’t have to search the desert in the dark of night nor travel great distances to encounter our God. He is here before us!

Our Lord Jesus has promised, whenever two or three gather in My Name, I am with them! (Mathew 18:20)

What will you do with this understanding? How will you serve your King knowing He is before us?

Those who are called unto Him, our Creator, are called to keep the Sabbath holy.

Our Sunday service is a day set apart from the rest of the week, to seek the Lord. Would you consider being a positive influence to those who are around you, even those that sit beside you this Sunday?

Can revival fires stoke your heart in expectation, that like Jacob, you pour out your praise, knowing your church is Bethel, a place of encounter with the Almighty God?

The attention we give to God makes Him reveal Himself to us in an unprecedented way. [tweet this]

The attention we give to God makes Him reveal Himself to us in an unprecedented way. The attention we give to the house of God creates an environment for the presence of God to dwell among us. The preparation we give before we go into the house of the Lord, prepares our hearts to encounter the Lord in His holy sanctuary, each church where His Presence abides.

Here are 8 tips to prepare yourself before you encounter the Lord in His House:

1. Silence your heart before the Lord. Let God see your anticipation to gather before Him. Talk to Him. Let Him know how excited you are for the service.

2. Ask God to speak to you through the Word of God. Pray that there may be no attractions or the distractions of the enemy that will take you away giving God your full attention.

3. Dress the best of your capacity,  the most honourable way possible, to celebrate God as you come to worship before Him.

4. Make peace in your house. Remove every conflict and strife among you. Repent of anything that does not fulfill the righteousness of the Lord. Drift away from social media and television the night before, in order to keep your heart and mind focused on God, rather than carnal pursuit.

5. Prepare your tithes and offerings unto the Lord. Be intentional. What doesn’t move you, doesn’t move God.

6. Come early. Stay in prayer. Help where needed. Keep the place clean. Remember, your church is God’s house.

7. When the first keys to the worship starts, be free before the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Worship Him in the beauty of holiness. Don’t look at anyone else worshipping, nor care about who is looking at you. Focus on your King!

8. Listen to the Word with the uttermost attention. Respond to the Word with everything in you. As the Bible says, celebrate the Word like a man who has discovered a treasure in the field. Love the Lord with all your heart as He speaks, and then, receive and soar!

May this Sunday be your Bethel! May you, like Jacob, awaken to the joy, to the immense awe of Almighty God before you!

Watch the video here.