RN Family Missions: Spotlight on the Varghese Children

Revive Nations

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

July 27, 2020

Revive Kids

RN Family Missions: Spotlight on the Varghese Children

by | Jul 27, 2020 | RN Kids

This week, RN Kids had the pleasure of a Facetime call with 6 year old Zahal, and her 4 year old brother Israel, otherwise known as Izzy.

Who are these delightful little missionaries, you may ask?

They are the beloved kids of Priji and Rashmi Varghese; Lead Pastors of Banglore Revival Center (BRC) and Overseers of many international church plants. Pastor Priji serves as Vice-President of Revive Nations Ministry. Both parents are Generals in the Body of Christ.

RN KIDS: Dada and Mama are both Pastors. What’s it like being their kids and going to BRC?

Zahal: It’s good to have Pastors as parents because they teach you the Word.

Izzy: A lot of people are at church, and church people come over, and their kids. They sleep over. I love it!

RN KIDS: What happens at BRC on a Sunday?

Zahal: On Sundays, the kids worship. We’re not allowed to be at the back. And for preaching, some of us stay with our parents and some go with the Sunday School teachers.

One Sunday when Pastor Robin preached, I was very touched by the sermon. And when Shyju Apacha (Malayalam for Grandpa) preached, I felt God’s presence.

Dada even brings us on trips sometimes. We went to Goa and Malaysia to see Shyju Apacha. I got to play with Kathryn and Moses! It was the best experience!

RN KIDS: What are some important things Dada and Mama have taught you about Jesus?

Izzy: Devotions! (Pastor Priji explained that in the mornings the family sits down and read devotions, and in the evenings, before bed, they read the Bible together.)

Zahal: We know to sing songs and pray everyday. To worship is the most important thing; you feel the presence of God, and it’s a blessing.

RN KIDS: So you can sing any song and it works? Like ABCD, EFG?

(Giggles and laughter erupted.)

Zahal: We worship God with our hearts, and we sing songs that worship Jesus.

Izzy: Worshipping is a breakthrough, and by believing, people get saved.

RN KIDS: What’s an important thing that people have to know about Jesus?

Zahal: The most important thing they have to know is that God died for them because of their sins. That’s why they have to listen to Him, because He saved us from our sins and we have to believe that.

RN KIDS: What would you say to Jesus Himself?

Izzy and Zahal in unison: We love You!

Zahal: We also honour and respect Him because He’s the King of all people, so we have to treat Him like a King!

Well, RN Family, what a treat to interview these two young Generals! God is sure doing a powerful work through the Varghese family!

If you know a family pouring out their lives for Jesus, please write us on Instagram or Facebook! We hope these interviews draw you closer to our King, and we celebrate that God will use anyone, at any age, to bless the nations!

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