The Only Thing You Need to Worry about before the Rapture (Click for full sermon)
In this special time and season in the Church, we have arrived to a very specific, God-ordained, location.
To grow well in this gracious place, we need to consider:
- what we listen to
- whom we listen to
- where we give
- how to protect our spirituality
- to worry only that the Lord’s Presence is our great reward
Remember, what you hear is what you become. Realms of Heaven will open up to us by the Word in our spirit and through our altars in this location! For where we sow, there we will reap. When you sow with your giving, you become an active participant of that location!
Now, the enemy will do his best to stop us in our giving, and scatter us from this place. He knows where our treasure is, is where our heart is (Matt 6:21) and where our heart is, that is where we will receive from the Lord.
We need to ask ourself, in this location that connects me to a greater grace, how do I receive and grow?
As Jeremiah 29:13 declares, You will seek Me and find Me when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
When you connect your heart to the Lord though the grace of this stream, you access realms of Heaven that you could not enter into, other than through this God ordained location for you and your household! As you give, you become a partaker of this same grace. Likewise, when you follow the instructions given, you become more and more like those who go before you!
Worry about One Thing: Staying in His Presence
In this season, there is a huge war for the state of our heart. To protect our heart, we don’t need to worry about our friends’ rejection, our family’s distance, or our boss’s sudden rebuke.
We only need to worry about one thing: the absence of God in our life. To worry about the day, when God rejects us for our stubborn rebellion, when our pride is so full, that God must now resist us instead of exalting His children. Worry should our heart grow cold and we miss the fact that the Lord is no longer near.
Above all, we must value and pursue the Presence of the Lord.
God is the Alpha and Omega. He is the reason we stand.
Without Him, we can do nothing.
Jesus says, “I am the Vine, you are the branches….Apart from Me, you can do nothing!” John 15: 5 Just as Jesus shares that in Him, we have the grace to grow and multiply and become, so without Him, there is a location apart from Christ, without His Grace. May we never encounter this place!
Beloved, what makes you spiritual, your only true greatness, is Christ in you.
Can you guard this with all your heart? What are you willing to sacrifice to lay hold of this treasure, of the Lord with you?
Burn with His Fire
Like the burning bush before Moses, which burned and was not consumed, we must be consumed by the Fire of the Lord.
In the days ahead, many will fall away from God, and tumble into familiarity, carnality and apathy. When the Great Fire of God approaches, to qualify to stand before Him on that great Day, we have to live a life that qualifies us to stand before Him today.
1 John 1:7 assures, If we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, we have fellowship, one with another, and the Blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.
For those who confess their sins, His Blood washes away all our sins, and His grace remains.
With this grace, Heaven’s fire can be sustained.
Grow in your Spirituality
Like Abraham, can you live in dependance and obedience to the Lord?
Can you please the Lord and follow His principles diligently? If so, surely, every part of your life will be blessed!
Do not fight the Lord, with stubborn hard-heartedness. May pride have no place in our life. Let us slay every fear and fear only the Lord! Let us flee being consumed by blessings or gifts or promotions, reject the wide path of easy living and pursue the narrow path to our Lord Jesus.
May pursuit of His Presence consume us.
Truly, Jesus is coming very very soon.
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