Dear GTH Reader, do you know much about the life of Enoch? How about his protocols? In the Year of Takeover, the life of Enoch is more important than ever! Draw close to learn these essential keys!
Enoch was a Man like You and I
The Book of Enoch has been fought for many reasons, has been often misunderstood. Yet regardless, Enoch was an individual who transcended every human limitation. This king was supposed to have died yet did not taste death.
You see, most people assume Enoch was a man who lived so very perfectly, that one day, God made him disappear. This is far from what happened….
Hebrews 11:1 states : By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him. Now before he was taken he was commended as having pleased God.
Enoch walked by faith. Therefore, Enoch walking with God was just as difficult as it is for you and I, nevertheless, he walked with God by faith.
Enoch was a man just like Elijah, like me and like you. In fact, Enoch had as many temptation as we have.
James 5:17: Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth.
Elijah, with the same human nature as us, yet he was caught up in the whirlwind and he travelled with horses and chariots of fire of heaven. So can you.
In the same way, Enoch was human, with passions, needs, desires like ours. Yet God took him. Why?
God’s Mysteries are Revealed to Kings
Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.
It is the character of God to hide glorious mysteries, yet it is the honour of kings to search out a matter. God conceals the glorious, hides His treasure for kings to discover.
When you grow in the maturity of Christ, you will start seeking the mysteries of God as a king. If you are reading this blog, seeking to know that which is hidden, truly, you are blessed. It is the king in you, as a priest and king unto Christ, to whom God is revealing His mysteries.
How merciful our God is, that we can be part of a royal ministry, under a king’s grace to search that which was concealed. by our God! You can be part of a ministry, with a Man of God who is searching out the mysteries, and by the virtue of their search, you can now partake of that glory!
Enoch’s Faith was the Beginning
Enoch walked by faith.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
In any journey with the Lord, at the beginning, our faith is not tangible. Yet as we persist in faith for a long time, our faith will become a substance.
Therefore, our faith has to be pursued without sight, touch, feelings. As we pursue God with faith long enough, Heaven becomes tangible. Now we are able to eat the manna, the bread of angels, and the spiritual now becomes natural, tangeable, something we can taste in our mouth. This is faith that has become substance.
To be clear, we must understand that Enoch did not just disappear. By faith, Enoch began a lifetime journey with God that, over the years, turned to substance.
Genesis 5: 21-24 And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah. And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years:And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
Enoch walked with God for three hundred years! Enoch just like us, was surrounded by people, family, distractions, yet he found a way to walk with God on earth. After three centuries of walking with God, finally, the Lord took him.
Enoch created Heaven on Earth
Some of you are waiting to go up to Heaven to walk with God. Not Enoch.
Enoch did not go up to heaven to walk with God. Enoch created heaven on earth and walked with God on earth until God said, “Come.”
By the precepts and principles he followed, by the instructions he submitted to, by his knowledge of the Most High God, by following understanding, Enoch translated his house to a place of God’s dwelling place.
Throughout, Enoch’s journey was by faith.
Enoch Knew Himself and His God
To walk with God like Enoch, we must walk as Enoch walked, by faith.
What areas in our life fight our focused faith in God? Is it ambition, stature, our job, our brokenness, our desires or longing for relationship? The enemy is lying to us.
If like Enoch, we know who we are, as we discover the God inside of us, then we can know our God and also know ourself, and then, do as Enoch has done.
The more spiritual we are, the more we flow in the Spirit. Our commitment to Christ should catapult us into becoming, understanding and knowing Who created us, for what we are created, what is our capacity and what is our possibility.
From this place of understanding, we then function in the rhythm of Heaven, as Enoch did.
The Secret Place of the Most High
He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1
If like Enoch, you intentionally provide God a secret place, a place that belongs, is committed, and is dedicated to the Most High God, you will be shadowed by the Almighty.
Since Enoch did not have access to heaven, he created a secret place on earth to meet with God. Once created, that place was overshadowed, and there, Enoch walked with the Lord.
Create the address for God to inhabit and may the Lord richly abide with you in that secret place.
Prophet Shyju
(To see this sermon, click here for How Enoch Mysteries are Unveiled and Secret Place of Enoch or head to the Shyju Mathew app for the full message, Enoch’s Secret Place Revealed. Pursue the Lord today! )
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