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Will You Pass This Love Test?

Will You Pass This Love Test?

"Every high has a low and every low has a high." That is a fact of life. Life can be compared to a school master, who from time to time puts us through tests, and when we pass those tests, we achieve new levels of understanding. It's the same with your marriage. You...

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Overcoming the Spirit of Defeat

Overcoming the Spirit of Defeat

Not too many things can rob you of your peace like the spirit of jealousy in a relationship. I’m not so sure about the existence of ‘healthy’ competition as long as there is comparison. And without comparison, there would be no competition. Your success does not...

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How a Lady Chased an Armed Robber

How a Lady Chased an Armed Robber

The above video clipping is of a real life incident that happened at a jewelry store in Texas, NY. An armed robber made an attempt to rob the shop, but got an earful instead! "In the name of Jesus, I command you to get out of my store. You are bound by the Holy Spirit...

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Do Your Tears Matter?

Do Your Tears Matter?

[French Translation] [Spanish Translation] Have you ever heard people asking children to quit crying? Fathers telling their sons how men should never cry? Have you seen people being unkind to girls who are too quick to tears? People judge, assume and interpret tears...

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Awesome Talking Wallpapers 2011 (Free Give Away!)

Awesome Talking Wallpapers 2011 (Free Give Away!)

Sometimes I write or draw a reminder. And often I photograph these to put it up for display on my computer or mobile. These wallpapers have constantly served as gentle reminders to me about God’s love and His promises. Finally we graduated to converting those notes...

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Internal Conflicts of a Christian

Internal Conflicts of a Christian

This time, I want to bring you this thought from a sermon I remember by Bishop T. D. Jakes. While expounding on the story of the father who brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus, Bishop mentioned that although the father had come to Him asking for healing, he cried...

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Awesome Pictures of Resurrecting Japan

Awesome Pictures of Resurrecting Japan

Japan is not new to disasters. Some months ago, its residents' lives were tested again when an earthquake sent mighty waves crashing into their cities and hearts. It seemed like an irreversible disaster that took thousands of lives and destroyed everything that was in...

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7 Great Reasons to Fast

7 Great Reasons to Fast

Do you need spiritual authority to destroy the work of the enemy in your household? Fasting will release the fire of God on all those who oppose, who stand against and deny our rightful inheritance. When we stay on fire, we stay near to our God!

How to Find Your Way Back to God’s Heart

How to Find Your Way Back to God’s Heart

Temptation can pull us away from the Lord into a distant land only to discover that life without Him is nothing but misfortune and misery. This study helps us to understand the great reality that being close to the Lord is the best place for us. He is always willing to receive us when we come to our senses and return to Him.

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