Blog & Resources

The Downpour Revival CANADA 2011

The Downpour Revival CANADA 2011

  Dear Partners and friends, This May 14th onwards we begin our Downpour Conferences in Canada. See some of the pics from the last downpour here. It is our joy to be able to come to serve you again. As you have believed, proclaimed and pray, I agree with you, it...

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How to Guard Your Heart’s Intake

How to Guard Your Heart’s Intake

[This post is a part of the Guarding the Heart Power Series. See the topics here.] The love of God gave man the choice to love God or not. And in the ‘Manual of Life’ that we know as the Bible, He warned us to guard our hearts from living an adulterated life. Smith...

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Navy SEAL Six in the Church!

Navy SEAL Six in the Church!

Here are some of the reports by CNN on Navy Seal Six. The highly trained operatives of the commando unit are widely reported to have been the ones to kill Bin Laden. "The commando team that killed Osama bin Laden has already returned to American soil, a senior U.S....

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My Secret Place & GTH Series Announce

My Secret Place & GTH Series Announce

I've had some places where I enjoyed praying more than the other places. I'm sure its just a mind thing. I had one such secret spot in Kodaikanal. (Or so I thought but not so secret, thanks to my "subtle" yellow bike parked near by) Watch the video to see (what I...

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Five Love Languages That Can Help Your Marriage

Five Love Languages That Can Help Your Marriage

Humans have many ways in which they express their love and out of which there are five key categories called the love language. Soon after our marriage we did the Love Language test by Dr. Gary Chapman and found some interesting variance in the way we expressed our...

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Real Temptation & Real Answers!

Real Temptation & Real Answers!

What do you do as a believer in a world that temptation is real?Have you been loving God, striving to live holy and still struggling with temptation?Truth is that as long as you are in this world your flesh is going to constantly nag you with the things of the world....

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Can I Leave My Church?

Can I Leave My Church?

Being in the ministry, I've had to stand by people who were going through some tough times in their churches (which sometimes can get you into trouble and even bring hate). Some have had to move on while a few others were able to reconcile and stay. Yet in all these...

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