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To The Praying Generation

To The Praying Generation

  You’ve been praying, fasting and seeking God but nothing dramatic is happening. You feel discouraged and at times wonder whether God is really listening. So much so, that you are thinking of quitting to pray. Am I talking about you? If yes, then this post is...

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Double Portion!

Double Portion!

I’ve recently been hearing this well known spiritual term “double portion” quite frequently from various men of God. Doing a little study about this topic in the Bible taught me some powerful truths that I’d like to share for those in this generation who are hungry...

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To The Bleeding Mumbai

To The Bleeding Mumbai

One day, during a very hopeless situation, the Lord reminded me about how there was a heaven over the red sea, that there was an heaven over the Israelites’ wilderness, there was an heaven above Joseph’s dungeon, a heaven above the fiery furnace. So no matter where you are, there is a God who is able to open Heaven above you!

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Ministers To God

Ministers To God

God has been leading me through a process of complete surrender of all my meetings and commitments, to set myself apart just to seek Him. This post is an extract of the many things that He has been dealing with my spirit. This one is dedicated to all those who hunger...

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Tiny People and Their Tiny Knots!

Tiny People and Their Tiny Knots!

I vividly remember the picture of Gulliver’s Travel’s in my English textbook from my school days. The story is about a man named Gulliver who was lost in a world of tiny people, and found himself tied down with ropes. Now these little men did not have huge ropes but...

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