A Relentless Generation

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

September 8, 2009

[French Translation] I have to get this off my chest as it has been weighing on me for more than a week, actually ever since I heard the voice of the Spirit in me saying that, ‘God wants this generation to be relentless’. I tried to get it off me by posting a status message on Facebook and received a lot of comments for which I am thankful but it feels like God has more to say to our generation. I wonder how many would listen?

It’s actually 4am and I feel pushed by the Spirit to write this blog to my young and old friends to read. The word is clear again – God wants a relentless generation!

Speaking to some of the older folks, I’ve come to realize that the works of the enemy are now bolder and public. Sin is no more as much shame as it was during Adam’s time or probably how it was even a few decades ago. It has become more public and easier to access. Sin has now arrived  in many deceptive forms and names. Songs have moved from romance to sensuality, from duplicitous reality shows to sinful life-styles, which today is termed as social freedom. Our generation is obviously under a greater attack than ever before but the good news is that the power of God is also greater than ever before and His grace, more evident and stronger in our weakness!

Now, in such a time as this, God wants a relentless generation! Whether to be a good believer or a great leader, it is important that you have a tenacious spirit deep down within you and that Spirit is the same Spirit that was in Jesus. The same Spirit that would make Jesus go and seek the Father, after a whole day’s work. The same spirit that would go seeking after the one lost sheep. The same Spirit that would not give up, even after the Father would not take away the cup of sufferings from Him. ‘The spirit of a Victor!’.

Let me list some things that have bound the children of God these days:

1. False Guilt

Now, get me right, a guilty conscience is a good thing. It helps you realize what is wrong and in fact, when the Spirit of God comes, He will convict you of sin. But the enemy uses this same thing to bring you down. If you talked with the disciple Peter, he would tell you the same. It made him go back to those old nets that he had once dropped for Jesus. It’s true that sin makes you feel ashamed but if you remain in hiding, then you will not be free from it. Expose it to the Presence of God. I must have said this a thousand times before, but to see the number of people that will still hide in shame and not be free, makes me want to say it again.

Someone asked me the other day, ‘Won’t God hate me by now?’ My reply is this, “God hates sin but loves the sinner”. He does not want you to live in sin. So, the first thing God wants you to do, is to expose your sin to God, over and over again, until that sin has no more hold on you. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, keep coming to Him each time and shame the devil!  Allow the love of God to reach out to you now.

2. False Belief

Moses kept denying God’s call on his life. He kept saying that he was not the one for the call. He, in fact, asked God to use Aaron instead. For some reason, many of us in our generation have been backing out of what God has called us for. Some may deny the fact that God could use someone like you, for whatever reason that make you feel unqualified. Instead, you have been running away from the reality of the call of God on your life. If you are reading this, it might be because God wants you to hear His voice again and stand up for what you are called for.

Quit trying to be humble, when God wants you to do is stand up to the call! Stop waiting for everyone else to do something and stop trying hard not to step on your neighbour’s shoes. Your call WILL make someone upset, jealous and angry. So, if you are going to try and fit into what your friends want, than what God wants, I promise you this, you are living a miserable life running away from the call of God. Your very own brothers might tear off your colourful robe and some seniors might throw you in the well but God wants to use some relentless ones. Are you one of them?

3. False Fear

Look at Mr. Gideon in the Bible. He was at the wrong place, doing the right thing out of fear of the enemy. Fear had pressed the warrior in him, down to hiding in the winepress. It seemed like, fear had squeezed him into being ignorant of his call and instead, found him grinding the grains at the winepress. But God had another idea. He looked at the present and called the future out of Gideon. God called him “a mighty man of valour.” You will never enter into your calling as long as you belittle yourself. [tweet this]

Gideon foolishly defended his stance by saying he is “the youngest and the weakest of his tribe” but the Lord who brings glory out of nothing, is still clear about the call on Gideon’s life.

Some of us have been pressed down by the opinions of people. We wonder what people would think and what people would have to say. We look at our capabilities and our circumstances. Yet, if you were to use a background search and capability test, most of the leaders in the Bible would have failed.

We must begin to see ourselves through the eyes of God. If He says I can, then I can. God wants us to stop hiding and receive that bold Spirit from God that He is willing to pour out on anyone who is ready to stand up to His call. I know that there is going to be a thousand places that I might fall, but I also know this, that I have the spirit of a victor within me and I will get up with the help of the Holy Spirit and run this race till I cross the finish line! What makes a leader different from another is although both fall, the leader will get up and move forward!

Allow me to persuade you, this day, the Word from God is clear – God wants this generation to have a relentless, persistent, tenacious spirit!!! So, I don’t care what the enemy has kept you under – shake it off and rise up my friends!!! WE have got work to do – few more mountains to conquer!

I’d love to hear your response please leave your comments here on Facebook and Twitter.




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