Can the Church Relate Without Compromise? | Power Nuggets


Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

September 24, 2012

See all the Power Nuggets Here


No, we don’t have to lower the volume but we can try not to blow their eardrums.

No, we don’t have to dress like those that are banned from showing their face but that does not mean we need to dress like someone living in acute poverty when it comes to clothes.

No, we don’t have to dress overtly but we don’t have to colour code our righteousness either.

No, we don’t have to compromise on our holiness but that does not mean we have to stare down the differently styled newcomer in the Church.


No, we should not treat ministers of God as celebrities but that does not mean you treat them without any respect for the anointing on their lives either.

No, we should not stop preaching that God is love and that His grace is enough but that does not mean that we should not preach that He is also the God who judges those who still live in sin believing that His grace abounds.

No, we should not be only Word-based and without Spirit but that does not mean we can throw the Word out of the window either.

No, we should not let wolves steal our sheep but we don’t have to manipulate our sheeps to stay in the pen out of fear of God’s wrath either.

No, we should not focus only on the manifestations of the Spirit but that does not mean we need to fight the manifestations of the Spirit that follows the Word either.

No, we should not compromise on the gospel but that does not mean we slander the character of the brother who has not got everything right (like you.)

Is there a balance we need to pursue in the church?

Being zealous for God is not the absence of wisdom and love. [Click To Tweet]

Extremes have fear as their driver to retain control.

Extremes have always brought bloodsheds.

Extremes always change genuine ministries into cults.

Extremes always are rooted in subconscious rebellion.

Extremes always end in extreme failures.

Repeated checks won’t harm.


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