Five Keys to Conquer Time

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

April 27, 2011

Time flies. I am sure you will agree.

At one point in time, we find ourselves lost in the careless endeavours of our childhood and the very next moment, we are caught racing against the exuberance of our youth. And further still come the responsibilities of adulthood. It seems like we can never win the race against time.

Having said that, I am sure that if you get hold of the essential things, you can learn to master time. Here are five important keys that life gives us, that can help us conquer time.

1. Start Early

The early bird advantage is undisputed. From ‘early in life’ to ‘early in the day’, early is always an advantage. Some of the world’s most renowned people who were successful in various walks of life started early in their age. It gives us the luxury of being able to test and try different methods that can work towards success. And then again, it would not be too late to re-strategize, reposition and try again.

King David in the Bible reminds us on his discipline of calling on the Lord early in the morning. No matter what stage of life you are in, you can still make an effort towards this. Don’t waste another day in simply pondering, dreaming or contemplating.

2. The ‘Now Moment’

The ‘Now Moment’ is simply taking advantage of the ‘Now Time’. There are some who haven’t had the privilege to start very young; neither do they seem to have the assurance of a bright tomorrow that they can lean on. Why not take advantage of the ‘Now Moment’, daily?

I have realized that the majority of my tasks that were never accomplished in my life were simply the ones that I procrastinated. It is rightly said, ‘Later’ means ‘Never’ and tomorrow never arrives. So if you are still living with the, ‘I will do it tomorrow’ attitude, watch out!

3. A Heart to Change

Time is a grace and mercy granted from God, to change the old, plan the new and to do the different. Remember the ‘Now Moment’ is no advantage to those who cannot accept change. There are some who are too insecure to change; others too arrogant to let go. Sadly both are at a loss. Change is an outcome of a humble and learning heart. Let us love to learn and learn to change.

4. Discipline is King

He who lacks the power of conquering self can never conquer his time. In order to apply change, you need to be persistent and exercise discipline. Figure out what your biggest distractions are and show no mercy to them.

How about framing a ‘Must Do Today’ list and a ‘Must Do, Weekend List’ based on your daily and weekly priorities? Put it up at a place where you can see it often to serve you as a reminder.

5. Prayer Power

Never underestimate the power of prayer. Keep this as your top priority. After all, what is the best to do than to go to the feet of the One who created time? Claim the promise from the Bible, “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten…” Joel 2:25

While everything else may fail, Jesus never fails.Get to action my friend,  today waits your grandeur.

Do you have more points to help conquer time? What is your strategy?



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