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The Duplicity of Depending on Feelings

The Duplicity of Depending on Feelings

One of the most used phrases by Christians, trying to ascertain whether they are in the will of God, is the phrase, ‘I FEEL PEACE’ and I am not against it. There have been many times that I have felt the peace of God about situations but over the years being in the...

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How Pornography Kills Love

How Pornography Kills Love

Here's an article I got by mail by Laurie Hall. I thought this could be informative if I posted it for everyone. Be blessed. How Pornography Kills Love By Laurie Hall     Dear Laurie, I’m grieving the loss of my young womanhood and the countless nights I...

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Want to Give up? Read This First

Want to Give up? Read This First

I am not a therapist or a health professional. What pushes me to write this is that I am simply someone who has seen many people, who wanted to give it all up, set free by the power of Jesus. Often people end up with this decision because they are not able to cope up...

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Not All Tomorrow is From Yesterday

Not All Tomorrow is From Yesterday

[Tamil Translation] One of the constant mistakes people do is to fit tomorrow into a box of yesterday’s know-how. Truth be told, there is a huge contrast between our experiences and expectations. Whether it is in a business or relationships, the truth is that tomorrow...

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Can God Trust You With His Blessing?

Can God Trust You With His Blessing?

This is important for everyone called to a great destiny. As Christians, we look to God as our Father. In fact, we are joint heirs to God’s inheritance. Galatians 4:7 says, ‘So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an...

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Living a Worry Free Life!

Living a Worry Free Life!

Every other day, I come across hundreds of people who are filled with anxiety and uneasiness because of the uncertainty of life. I decided to take time off to address it because this ‘worrying’ has not only the power to stop you from your future, but could also affect...

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Is Fasting Necessary Today?

Is Fasting Necessary Today?

Fasting was a very common practice in the Old Testament and of course, our Lord Jesus did the same. But for some reason, it is not much encouraged today and people seem to be very surprised with this subject of fasting. Often, I will come across someone who will raise...

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