You Have the Key to the Nations!

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

December 29, 2009

Put your seat belts on and get ready to ride with these quick, short and powerful truths. The following scripture will throw light on the reality of the people around us. This will lead us to the key into releasing an unprecedented move of God.

Considering from Mark 6:32-44, Jesus took the disciples on a boat to a secluded place. Yet when the news spread about it people ran there on foot from all the cities and got there even ahead of them. At the sight of the crowd, Jesus felt compassion for them but as the place was a secluded area they had nothing to eat. The disciples asked Jesus to send them away but Jesus turned to them and said “You give them something to eat!” (vs. 37)

As we approach this year 2010, I believe this is the same scenario that the Church is facing. Jesus looking at us at the Church, as a whole, and saying, “You give them shyju blog 2010 something to eat!”. I’m not talking about having a form of godliness but denying its power. But the fact of the matter is that this dying, confused and disoriented world needs to see something more than just some passion. They have to see the demonstration of the tangible and genuine power of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:4

But the truth is that even when our churches are draped in cute programs and designed walls yet we have very little power. We have amazing event managers that can bring crowds but we do not have the conviction of the Holy Spirit to change our generation. The great revivals and city conversions and convictions from streets to metro stations seem to be the stories of the past. But how did Jesus respond to the situation?

One young lad, who was ready to give all, placed five loaves and two fishes into the hands of the master. Jesus lifted the loaves and the two fishes and blessed it. The broken bread and the fish began to multiply till it fed more than five thousand people and yet there were twelve baskets of fish left over.

The prophetic understanding of the breaking of the bread is that it was the breaking of the bread that brought multiplication. Even at the Passover of Jesus, when He broke the bread it stood as a symbol of the multiplication of the sons of God by the breaking of Jesus on the cross. You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26

Notice that, few loaves of bread had to be broken before it began to be multiplied to fill the hunger of thousands. The fact is that there is a need out there, but the question is who will be broken?

What we need is 100% surrender into the hands of Jesus. Let Him mould you to His will. Our thoughts. Our desires. Our dreams. Our spiritual ambitions. Everything!!!

Even, “The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed” Rom 8:19. “What you soak in is what you bring forth.” Soak yourself so much in prayer and in the Word of God that this year, Jesus cannot be hidden anymore in you. Soak yourself so much in God that He shines through you even on the streets. Let it sound so loud within us that the world hears about Him through us even in our classrooms and work places.

Here’s an interesting conversation of a young man of God named Evan Roberts who learnt to soak in God praying from 1:00 am to 5:00 am everyday

“Oh, Syd,” he said to his best friend, Sydney Evans, in late 1904, “We are going to see the mightiest revival that Wales has ever known – the Holy Spirit is coming just now.” In great anticipation, he added, “We must get ready. We must get a little band and go all over the country preaching.” Suddenly Roberts stopped, looked at Sydney, and said, “Do you believe that God can give us 100,000 now?”

Within six months, 100,000 souls were saved in Wales.

Revivals don’t happen accidentally. There is a need of loaves that will be broken, those who will allow the Holy Spirit to bend them. “Bend your knees and let the Holy Spirit bend your character and nations will bend to the God you preach!”

I personally believe, in this year 2010, God will release great revival in different parts of the world. But God needs broken and surrendered vessels which He will form into the shape that seems best to HIM! Wishing you a Happy, New, Soaking-in-God, Revival Year 2010!

What are your thoughts on the above? What is God preparing you for this year? Please feel free to share it with me below. Love.



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