Lessons on Anointing from the Life of Elijah

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

June 18, 2015

I’d like to elaborate on a few practical things about the anointing that flows into our lives. Sometime ago I wrote about the anointing. Read the 3 Part series here.

When God gives you an assignment He also gives you the anointing to carry it out. [tweet this]

And it’s important for us to stay at His feet until we are empowered on high.

In 1 Kings we read about Elijah, a bold man, who simply walked on the scene and without any self introduction. And He carried an unction and authority over the nation of Israel.

Because He came from the presence of the Lord; His heart was synchronized with the heart of God. He already knew the heart of God. He wasn’t depending on a vision of what He must say. What He declared, so it became!

We can fast and pray but it doesn’t mean that we carry His presence. We can have the anointing but not function in the presence.

It doesn’t matter how anointed you are, what matters is if you are a friend of God. [tweet this]

Don’t seek the anointing, seek first the presence of Jesus.

Elijah was a history maker. He brought down the fire from heaven that killed hundreds of prophets (Read 1 Kings 18).

Yet at one point, when he heard a threat from wicked queen Jezebel that he would be killed, his heart was shaken. He couldn’t handle it, God had to send him an angel to take him to the presence of God. In short, Elijah retreats and goes to hide in a cave and a voice came to him and said “What are you doing here?” God could however no more use Elijah, and instead God gave him precise instructions to anoint three men, one of them being Elisha. (Read 1 Kings 19:13-21 for the full story)

That to me is very painful, He was a mighty man of God yet he was depressed and complained that he was the only guy left and brought a quick end to a great ministry.

Here are some Lessons for us to learn:

1- Discouragement Slows Down Your Assignment

Almost every one of us has had this happen to us, but the Lord wants to remind you that discouragement slows you down. Words from the ones you love or people around you can discourage you.

Discouragement has the power to sow fear and anxiety in your heart. Discouragement slows down your spirit to stay tuned to your assignment. [tweet this]

Elijah’s anointing wasn’t lacking, it was his heart that couldn’t stand to his assignment. When we have fear and anxiety in our hearts God says:

Fear not. Be courageous. Stand upright.

What God is saying, “I know you’re nervous but I’m making you ready to carry the trophy home.” Refuse to respond to the broken realm of the soul. Emotions go up and down. Refuse to respond to your soul because you are a spirit being. Tell yourself that you are not alone and that you are more than a conqueror, only then God can use you.

If you give the enemy the power to disappoint you then he can slow you down from your destiny. [tweet this]

If the enemy can make you sad then he can stop you from praying and from focusing on Jesus. Whatever is disturbing your mind, shake it off. The same God of Elijah is your God and He is asking you right now:

What are you doing here?
Do you know who you are?
Do you know who backs you up?
Don’t you know He, who is with you?

Don’t you dare lose your mind over anything.
Don’t you know what daddy thinks about you?
Do you not know?
What are you doing?

Smile, rise up because you have an assignment. A generation waits for you. [tweet this]
2- Anointing Cannot Be Bought With a Price

7000 passed by before God used Elijah and they were all worthy, they hadn’t bowed down to the foreign gods. God is saying, “Don’t you for one minute think that if I anointed you it’s not because you deserve it but it’s because of My mercy.” The anointing doesn’t come to you because you’re worthy. There’s nothing you can do to deserve God’s mercy. There’s no price. If you say you gave up everything you have, the anointing is still worth more than all that.

We don’t pray for the anointing to increase, we pray to sit at the feet of Jesus. [tweet this]

Don’t pray expecting anything. Pray because it’s all the worth to sit at the feet of Jesus.

The greatest crowd we can have is the audience of One – Jesus alone. [tweet this]
3- The value of the object doesn’t matter, what matters is how well it fits into the hands of the Master

How humble are you? How persistent are you? It doesn’t matter how good you are or how able you are.

How well you can fit into the hands of the Master is greater than your value. [tweet this]

He will then make sure that you become valuable. If you can just learn to fit into the hands of the master, He will make sure that you spring into the forehead of Goliath. The Holy Spirit says, “I’ve been allowing that pressure so that you will be extra polished and fit well in my hands.” Your assignment already carries the anointing for you to fulfill it. [tweet this] All you have to do is stay tuned to the master. Just love the master, sitting at His feet. Daddy is so drawn to that.

Somebody needs to draw His attention today, will that be you?