Your Book of Remembrance: How to Open your Account in Heaven

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

January 9, 2020

Have you heard of the term “Paying it Forward”? How about The Reap-Sow Effect? Did you know Heaven keeps accounts of those who honour the Lord, and rewards, even through the generations?

In Luke 7, when Jesus entered Capernaum, a centurion, a Roman with great authority, had just pleaded for Jesus the Healer, to visit his household, for someone he greatly valued, his own servant, who lay ill at his household. This man who ruled at least a hundred soldiers, had humbled himself by asking the Jewish elders to approach Jesus for his beloved servant. Despite their chafing under Rome’s grip, these same leaders begged Jesus to go heal the centurion’s servant.

Why? Why would Jews seek mercy for a Roman ruler?

This man had invested something precious in the nation of Israel:

And when they came to Jesus, they besought him instantly, saying, That he was worthy for whom he should do this: “For he loveth our nation, and he hath built us a synagogue.” Luke 7:4-5 KJV

Imagine being such a great blessing, that believing Jews would come disturbing Jesus, saying, “You have to help this man, because in his lifetime he spent his energy building the synagogue. Now it is time for his need; you must come!”

This centurion, who did not share the beliefs of the Jews, had tremendous insight. When he witnessed the Jews and their relationship with God, the man determined to build them a synagogue, a place of worship for the people he was paid to rule.

Note, Jesus did not reject the man: his gift pleaded too loudly. Jesus accepted the request for this Roman had built an altar to the living God, with or without his knowledge.

People of God, everything you do for the Lord is deposited into your spiritual account in Heaven.

Like the centurion, when life brings a time, and you need God’s grace, mercy and favour, the Book of Remembrance will be opened and there, your name will be found. Beloved, your service to the Lord is recorded by Heaven. Click here to hear more of this fantastic story.

Consider a similar story:

One woman of God, Tabitha, lived so committed to Christ, such a blessing to the people of God, that when she died, the members got together and declared, “No! No! This one cannot die! She has been too much of blessing to us. We cannot allow her to die!” This disciple had revelation she could love Jesus by serving the Church, and even stitched tunics for the widows and the needy. Her love availed much.

At her death, like the Jews urged Jesus to come to the Roman’s house, now the church of Joppa pleaded with Peter, begging him, “Please come to us without delay!” Acts 9:38 ESV

May God make you such a blessing to the body of Christ that you, too, cannot stay dead!

There are things you can do for the House of God, for the Kingdom of God, in the Name of the Lord, that will be counted long after you’re gone, a holy deposit to knock on the Heaven’s door.

May your love for the Lord and the House of God begin to speak on your behalf!

There is a powerful grace that will come upon you, and to your children long after you’re gone, because you loved the Body of Christ.

The enemy eagerly tries to make us disloyal to the Body, to live as a cold congregants who arrive at church on a Sunday morning, says “Nice service” and leaves.

The enemy fears your connection, because by loving the Body, generational blessing is stored up for you!

The enemy hates unity. He constantly seeks to make division inside your heart. He wants you living disjointed, knowing dislocation only causes pain.

The enemy wants you convinced that church is only an organization. In this culture where gadgets and media reign, human beings are becoming scattered. Isolation brings disconnect and paralysis, when we are designed by God to run together!

When you do not treat the Church as an organization, but love and serve the Church as the Body of Christ, blessing will come to you and your children, because God Himself has recorded your deeds!

If you study how the garments of the priest were, you will see their robes were a seamless garment from top to bottom. When Moses poured the oil on Aaron’s head, consecrating him as High Priest, this oil overflowed all the way to his toes. That is the power of unity!

When you are united, the grace that comes to the head is the same grace that comes to the toes! The grace released to the leader of the House of God is the same grace released to the security guard serving outside in the parking lot, when they are aligned to the house!

Unity is a seamless garment which causes the oil of Heaven to flow to all who remain connected. (Ps. 133)

Beloved, stay connected to the house where God has placed you, and passionately give your love to those whom Jesus has placed before you!

Just like Abraham’s tithes released blessings all the way to the Levites, may you love and serve the Body, so that long after you’re gone, the children of your children may continue to reap the blessing of God’s love, in Jesus Name!

Now Pay it Forward!

Watch the video here.