7 Days of Discovery – Day 5: Discerning the Ways that Our God Speaks to His Children

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

April 12, 2021

This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series 7 DAYS OF DISCOVERY

GTH Readers, we hope you are enjoying this life-changing series! On Day 4, we looked at how Paul regained his hope in Christ and unlocked his spiritual sight once more. In this next instalment, Prophet Shyju Mathew, Founder of Revive Nations speaks about one key way in which God communicates with His Children, through His creation. Join us, as we sharpen our spiritual senses to discern the ways of God in this exciting season for the Body of Christ!

It is very powerful, how God communicates. When God helped Paul in Acts 27, God did not come down, did not speak Himself to Paul.

God sent an angel to go and speak on His behalf.

This is a very critical observation: If we don’t learn how God speaks, we won’t be able to sharpen our senses to hear and see the many different ways God has chosen to speak. We could be waiting on the Lord, waiting, hoping and waiting some more, when God has already spoken and since God manifested Himself in a way we may have not expected, we missed His voice!

In Acts 27, the angel came to Paul to give him insight and instruction from the Lord. Paul encountered the angel once he remembered, greater than any storm, to Whom he belonged and Whom he worshipped. From that place of faith and certainty, within 36 hours, 276 men stood upon the shores of Malta, marvelling at their survival, safe and sound. None had perished.

Before seeing breakthrough, Paul’s identity and posture had to be clear. Once surrendered to the Lord’s care, help, in the form of an angel arrived. Now Paul did not worship the angel that came to him; Paul worshipped the Lord. Paul did not receive the angel through some bizarre connection with the angel; The angel was sent by God to his servant because that was God’s choice of communication.

God often speaks through His creation to His Children; angels are one part of His creation.

If we don’t tune our senses to understand how God uses His creation to speak to us, we may ignore the manner in which God uses everything He creates.

God is looking for faith in His Children to understand what is available for our spiritual senses. And God will wait until you can see clearly. The Lord waited thirteen days until Paul’s soul had surrendered before an angel was sent with the Word, and safety was assured for all whom Paul was given (see Acts 27:24).

On this occasion, an angel was sent to Paul. In other times in Paul’s life, God communicated in different ways. Ananais, a Man of God, was sent to Paul to pray for him (Acts 9). Paul was directed by visions (Acts 16:9). Paul had many heavenly encounters (2 Cor. 12). Angels was one way of many that God reached his servant Paul with the Word.

From Abraham to Mary to our Lord Jesus, angelic visitation is witnessed as part of life before Almighty God.

In Hebrews 1:14 it says, Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

Friend, just as angels serve the Lord, they also serve the heirs of salvation (insert here – me and you!) Angels respect believers because we are washed by the Blood of Jesus. When an angel looks upon us, they do not see somebody that is desperate. They see a Child of God, covered by the Blood of Jesus, redeemed, sealed by the Holy Spirit. Oh what JOY we have, to be called the Children of God! Our God is a Talking God!

As we encounter the grace of this series, may our spiritual sight be restored and our spiritual ears tuned to the Voice of God like never before and may we embrace all the ways that God speaks to His children, including His angelic realm!

We hope you are enjoying these 7 Days of Discovery. To learn more on this powerful topic, head to the complete message, The Senses Part 4: The Angelic Realm. Share with a friend and be blessed as you publish the Good News of our Lord today!

Watch the video here.

Series Navigation7 Days of Discovery – Day 4: Awakening our Spiritual Senses >>7 Days of Discovery – Day 6: Walk on the Water >>

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