His Nearness is our Greatness
People think the Presence of God is complex. Yet the Bible is clear: Draw near to God and God will draw near to you. (James 4:7)
The Presence of God in an individual’s life is the reflection of a person’s consistent choices for the Presence of God.
Don’t be fooled. There are no celebrities in the Kingdom of God. To carry the Presence of God, every day we must guard our hearts, our minds, and choose God, choose His ways, choose Him above all else.
When we see someone who has received the gift that you cannot buy, honour the fact that they have surely laid their life down in order to walk with God!
This is the season to which we have been invited.
To experience what the angels experience, ask yourself, are you willing to do what is necessary?
Do you know who you are?
The beginning point is to understand, in the eyes of the Lord, we are very special.
“What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor?” Ps 8:4-5
The Lord is mindful of you! He is thinking about you!
Angels are not as special as you.
People are in awe of angels. Yet, man alone is made in the image and likeness of God! (Genesis 1:27)
Some think angels are special for the wrong reason.
The Bible says when angels came near, men trembled. Daniel said he became like dead. (Daniel 10:8)
So people may look at these encounters of angels and think, these angels are very special!
In fact, angels are mighty because of where they come from. They are coming from a location. They come from the very Presence of God. (Luke 1:19)
What location are you carrying?
Each of us carry the location where we have been, whether its Netflix or the prayer closet, the gossip with our friends or the stressors of our workplace.
Enoch, the man who walked with God, distanced himself, withdrew himself from his world and consecrated himself to walk with God. You see, Enoch understood that every person we connect with impacts what we carry. (Genesis 5;21-24)
So where are you coming from?
Do you know Who is inside of you?
Jesus our Lord lives in you! (Galatians 2:20)
It is time to change our mindset, to discover who we are! Our Lord Jesus promised, “Nothing is impossible to him who believes!” (Mark 9:23).
This year, we will draw close to God, choice by choice, and unlock every gift inside of us!
By faith, our light will shine bright!
To encounter more, head to Experience the Angelic Encounters and be blessed as you unlock great victories in your life!
Arise and shine, dear believer. You have been invited to be a deliverer for your generation! Revival is upon us!
May your faith arise, and may you fly high!
April is a month of great faith! To access this monthly prophetic calendar, download the Shyju Matthew App under the Inspired resources.
To access live services, head to Revive Nations Global Church and register for live services.
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