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15 Reminders for Uncertain Times

15 Reminders for Uncertain Times

Another year has come to an end. And once again, we find ourselves at the threshold of a fresh new year of opportunities. Yet - for some of us - things don’t seem so fresh or new while having to deal with the same stinking issues in the same redundant cycle of life....

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The Real Reason for This Season!

When Jesus was born, He allowed human hands to nurture Him even though it was His hands that carried them. Even on the cross, they did not have to force His hands apart. As He willfully laid down His life for us, His birth completed its purpose. But death couldn't...

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Joseph, Mary & Baby Jesus on Facebook

Joseph, Mary & Baby Jesus on Facebook

Have you ever wondered how it would be if Facebook existed when Jesus was born? Here's a brilliant video that made me think and laugh. There are some great lessons we can pick up too.   Watch: Tell me, did you learn something from the video? If not for nothing,...

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God’s Funeral

God’s Funeral

An exchange between Martin Luther & his wife Katharina: “Once, when Martin was so depressed that none of Kate’s counsel would help, she put on a black dress. Luther noticed it and asked, ‘Are you going to a funeral?’ ‘No,’ Kate replied, ‘but since you act like God...

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7 Keys to Organising a Successful Prayer Meeting

7 Keys to Organising a Successful Prayer Meeting

Have you noticed how a music concert can draw a massive crowd? I guess it's almost as easy for a healing evangelist or a prophet to draw crowds. But what if it's a Bible study meeting?  I am sure you will see a drop in numbers. Again, compare that with a prayer...

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RN KIDS, a long time ago, before King Jesus was born, there was a God lover, a young king named David.

Now King David was having a tough time. It wasn’t hard like school being closed or new rules about crowds, or singing being BANNED at church.

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