Flames That Require Fanning! | Power Nuggets

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

April 24, 2012

See all the Power Nuggets Here 

Go with me through this, ok?

Acts, Chapter 1: They wait on God.

Acts, Chapter 2: They are empowered.

Acts, Chapter 3: Miracles follow.

Acts, Chapter 4: Persecution.

Acts, Chapter 4, verse 5: They begin to pray again, for boldness.

Acts, Chapter 4, verse 31: They were filled, again, with the Holy Spirit.

And the cycle continues…

In 2 Timothy 1:6, Paul tells Timothy, “…fan into flame the gift of God.

This one thing is for certain: The Holy Spirit who lives within you is the same, but the fire you have received needs fanning.


Persecution of all kinds is the mark of a General in Christ. The enemy is going to use people and circumstances to intimidate and discourage you from carrying God’s power in your life.

He wants to see you back off. He’ll attack you on all fronts to try and quench that fire in you.

Apostle Paul wrote the Second Epistle of Timothy during his second imprisonment in Rome.

His hands were tied! He was counting on Timothy to fan the fire himself!

To fan into flame is an intentional act. You cannot sit by the fire and just hope that it stirs on its own. You have got to fan it into flames!

Don’t depend on your feelings in order to trust God’s presence on your life. Pray anyway.

Don’t wait until you get your promotion. Don’t wait until you are appreciated by your leader.

Don’t wait for someone to lays hands on you.

The devil wants to see you question God’s goodness and doubt God’s forgiveness. He wants to make you feel so hopeless until you walk away from His love.

Therefore; today I encourage you:

…fan into flame the intimacy of the sweet Holy Spirit that is given to all who believe in Jesus;

…fan into flame fresh love for Jesus;

…fan into flame your passion for prayer;

…fan into flame the desire to consume and be consumed by Word of God; and

…most of all, fan into flame the desire to live a holy life!

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