Are Signs & Wonders Following You? – Prophet. Chethan Henry

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

April 24, 2014

 It is my joy to introduce my son in the Lord, Prophet. Chethan Henry. He and his wife Nimmy are passionate Jesus lovers. Presently he Pastors a church in Bangalore, India. Enjoy the post. 

Chethan-HenryThe Bible says that Jesus preached the Word, and He healed the sick and cast out demons. (Matthew 4:23)

Then again we read, the apostles preached the word “The Christ Jesus” and in His name they healed the sick and delivered the demon possessed and did many signs and wonders. (Luke 9:2, Acts 19:12)

Now Jesus also said “If you believe in Me you will do much more greater works than these” (John 14:12)

Finally before Jesus ascended to Heaven He said “These signs shall follow those who believe, in My name they will speak with other tongues, cast our demons and heal the sick” (Mark 16:17, 18)


Please notice, a true mark of a believer is that Jesus is alive with His resurrection power in their lives through accompanying signs.

Signs are actual sign boards saying “Jesus is alive” and being a witness means being a proof that Jesus is alive.

The Gospel is the Power

In this hour and age, there is so much intellect and theories, but the gospel remains the same – It’s a gospel of power and life in Christ Jesus!

I don’t want to offend anyone but want to be direct enough to say this clearly. If you are preaching the gospel and are not seeing accompanying works of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name, than something is missing. Either the ‘Jesus’ relationship’ in you is dead or you are not walking alive within His Word.  The Holy Spirit is with us and in us and so let us not limit Him through our unbelief.

You Can Never Separate the Supernatural From Jesus!

Faith is inevitable when Jesus is present and alive within you through the power of the Holy Spirit. When He is alive in your heart, His works should be seen in the outside.

Supernatural always accompanies Jesus. If you read the gospels you know how full the disciples were with the works of God, the Creator. When Jesus comes, heaven comes along with Him and the realities of Heaven are seen on earth.

The Supernatural always overcomes the natural hurdles. That’s why when we receive Jesus into our lives what was not possible in the natural becomes possible in the supernatural through God as the laws of the Spirit begin to operate.

What’s Stopping You?

As disciples of Jesus what’s stopping you? Why are we shying away from working in faith and believing the impossible? Is it because we have not believed completely in the finished work of Christ? Remember fear and unbelief are enemies of God’s kingdom.

Jesus is our perfect role model. He always separated Himself from men’s agenda and ideas and was never under a man’s control. He disconnected Himself from fame and earthly gains. Instead, He was always connected to the heavenly Father’s agenda. His will and intentions were clear and He didn’t compromise His walk hosting the Holy Spirit on earth and displaying the works of God.

We as Christians need to reduce noise and showcase His power. We need to stop getting entangled in activities and grow into deeper levels of intimacy with Jesus and know His heartbeat.

I want to announce in Jesus name it’s DONE! Go and gather the harvest, with accompanying signs and wonders as required and led by the Holy Spirt!!! Be full of Faith for there is no excuse for that. Believe in your heart that all power and authority is already yours in Jesus’ name! There is nothing more needed. Only believe!

Question: Share with us, what has God been doing in your life? What do you think are the limitations to Gods move among us?


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