Blog & Resources

Why Sermons Perish

Why Sermons Perish

Sermons are different from speeches. Let me rephrase that. Sermons must be different from an orchestrated speech. A speech is an intelligent preparation by the speaker. But sermons must be an inspired word from God received by the speaker. We should note that the...

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Why People Don’t Matter the Most

Why People Don’t Matter the Most

This blog is going to make statements that I may have avoided making at the "Guarding The Heart Blog". But it is necessary that I do this. We, leaders, can handle some tough meat, can't we? These posts may be long or short, but it's all going to be from my heart. Jump...

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When God Shuts Our Favourite Doors on Our Face!

When God Shuts Our Favourite Doors on Our Face!

Last night, while talking to a friend, I mentioned how God allows certain bad things to happen. But my friend furiously fought the idea of this wonderful loving Father God allowing such things. I realised that this was how I used to be in the past. When hurtful things...

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Goodbye India – for Now, and Hello Canada!

Goodbye India – for Now, and Hello Canada!

That moment is here. I knew it all along; now for more than a decade God had been speaking about it. The invitation was open from January 1st though I intentionally did not take any step towards it, till I had a very strong word from the Lord (through another prophet...

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7 Dangers of Pleasing People Around You

7 Dangers of Pleasing People Around You

Nobody likes to be misunderstood. Nobody likes to be rejected. You wouldn't either. But the truth is that you will be misunderstood and you will be rejected. It's a sad part of life. However, it doesn't become so sad when you understand how you can overcome that. Many...

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What to Look for in a Life Partner?

What to Look for in a Life Partner?

"He must be tall, handsome, good looking, sweet, understanding, loving, rich, intelligent and a sweetheart." This seems to be the kind of a checklist many girls have of their perfect guy, and an almost similar list is a set of expectations from many young men in our...

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