Can You Lose the Anointing? Protecting the Anointing in You! Part – 3/3

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

June 6, 2012

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Anointing

Just as the gifts of God are irrevocable, so is the anointing of God. 1 John 2:27 says, “But as for you, the anointing (the sacred appointment, the unction) which you received from Him abides [permanently] in you;” (AMP)

So when someone says that they lost the anointing, what they are saying is that the person is not in the ministry like before. So could it be possible to NOT be in the ministry and still have the anointing?

This is the same fact in regard with the gifts that function in us. For example taking the gift of speaking in tongues. In few occasions I’ve had people telling me that they lost the gift of speaking in tongues.

What they are actually saying is that, they allowed sin, fear, condemnation or doubt to subdue their gift. They have given into those wiles of the enemy and now it seems like they have lost the gift. However what happens is that the person does not lose the gift but they simply lose the confidence to function in that gift. The confidence to go boldly the heavenly Father is stolen by the enemy. Therefore without faith they are limited to function in that gift or anointing. 

On a side note, I’d say that conviction of sin and the feeling of not using the gift is good if it allows you to repent and go back to God. But there are some who continue to function in the gift(in extreme faith) without any repentance, thereby abusing the giftings that God has placed in them.

At no point should you allow the enemy to hijack your gift or the anointing God has placed in you by bringing guilt and condemnation. And again, there is not going to be a point where you are perfect enough to handle the anointing. As I say a thousand times, the key is to go to God every morning, for every morning His mercies are new!

I’ll borrow Bishop Jakes’s statement – “The greatest qualification to be anointed is to feel unqualified.”

Protecting the Anointing in You

1. Remember Who Sends You

Going back to the famous saying: With great power comes great responsibilities. I am saddened to hear some people arrogantly say, I don’t care what people think. Well my friend, that is true in terms of God-less traditions but when it comes to morals and ethics that would cause people to question the God who sent you, then it is important that we live in a way that is above reproach. You are not yours, you belong to Jesus, lets honor that Name!

2. Don’t Lean on Your Faith

Lean on Jesus. Leaning on your capacity to believe to make something happen is carnal. It’s interesting that the disciples would stress that the miracle of the lame happened because of the faith in the name of Jesus (Acts 3:16, 1 John 3:23)

This is where many fault as they push the anointing to be based on what THEY do, or say or act. No, it has to solely be on what the Father does in order to lift the name of Jesus. When it becomes all about what you do and how you do to achieve something, we are on dangerous grounds of what is called – PERFORMANCE. That’s when we strive to get things done without simply trusting His name and the One who sends us.

Instead lean on the Word of God. Immerse yourself to the prayer and the reading of His Word together. Therein faith will soar for His glory and purposes.

3. Don’t Focus on the Results, Focus on Jesus

Now this is hard for many of us. It is true that people will know by the fruits. But knowing that it comes from me abiding in God and God abiding in me, should take our eyes off the fruit to simply abiding and seeking the pleasure of the Master.

I have to remind myself a thousand times that it does not matter how the meeting went or what happened. It’s all about if I said what Jesus wanted me to say and in the way Jesus wanted me to say. It’s about if I did what Jesus wanted me to do and if I moved out of the way for Jesus to do what He wants to do.

Let us then pursue Jesus and in turn He will position us where we are to be and there in our total surrender to Him, Jesus will be glorified through us. Whether we do something or not, as we immerse ourselves in Jesus, our shadows will carry the anointing, even our clothes will release His power and no power in hell can stop a child of Jesus that is solely after the heart of God.

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And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” 2 Cor 9: 8

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