The Pure Pursuit! (Worry Free Life – Series – 1)

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

October 29, 2009

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Worry Free Life - Series

I, personally, believe that if every Christian fully understands this verse, we would all live a victorious and happy Christian life.

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.” 1 Peter 5: 6

I’m going to make this post shorter than usual, for even the busiest to have enough time to get this into their hearts and minds. So, here are my comprehensive thoughts which you might want to stop, think about and check your heart with each of these words. Four powerful things that we notice in this verse, feel free to make your own study:

1. Humility

2. God’s mighty hand

3. Promotion

4. Timing

There are many shortcuts to move up in life. If you are driven by your own desires then it is very likely that you pursue your own ways to make those dreams possible. But it is a, comparatively, harder choice for those who have dreams and choose to submit their will into the mighty hand of God because our ways are not God’s ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. This requires genuine humility. It means not placing your trust in your own plans or depending on your own intelligence, which might be very painful for some especially for those who love to have control over their life, but rather a life of total dependence on God. Is God calling you, right now with this simple post, to surrender? To stop complaining about everything that has happened and yet, believe beyond every negative circumstance that all things work together for good for them that love God? (Rom 8:28)

This is the desire of Jesus that we would surrender completely and yield our will to the will of the Father in Heaven. That is why, Jesus taught us to pray to the Father saying “Not my will but Yours be done”.

Promotion is from God, but God wants us to pursue His will than for us to pursue our happiness. God does not just ask us to trust Him when all is well but to continue to place our trust in Him, even when things are not going our way. [ClickToTweet] ‘In due time’ means that you do not seek God for His blessings but as we continue living under His hand, even before we realize, God will lift us up. In that case, we do not live under the mighty hand of God with an intention to be promoted or have success but when we do, promotion will follow. Absolute Surrender irrespective of the consequences!

I do not pray so that I can be used by God, but I pray because I love God, and spiritually, growth and fruitfulness follow. No matter how long I seek God, things are not going to happen unless in His time. So, do not let your heart pursue the all-knowing God with concealed intentions. God wants the body of Christ to cease worrying about things around us and just focus on pursuing God with a clear heart. Everything else will fall into place in due time and when it does it won’t even matter to you because by then you are dead to self and the passions of the flesh!

Whatever was to my profit I count it loss, what is more, I count everything a loss! Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ (Phil 3: 7-8)

Now that is pure pursuit!

P.S – Look out here for the continuation on this series, “Worry Free Life II

Question: How do you handle worry? Is worry pulling you down?


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