Becoming a History Maker | Power Nuggets

history maker

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

October 15, 2012

See all the Power Nuggets Here


“I’m just waiting to know my calling…”

The fact is that every disciple of Jesus Christ is called to go to the ends of the world carrying the good news of our Saviour!

God does not reveal the end from the beginning.

history maker

Jesus told Peter He’d make him a “fisher of men” but not the part where he’d have the glorious privilege of being crucified upside down for His Master.

Most of us would never step out if we knew everything but this He has promised, to be with us till the very end. The surety of God’s will will only be fully comprehended when we reach heaven.

History makers are those that have dared to step out of the boat to walk where men have drowned. [Click To Tweet]

The real question isn’t whether you are called. The real question is, “Have I been preparing enough in His Word and soaking in prayer to be used whenever and however God chooses?” (Preparation is a lifelong process.)

Real leaders take real risks and pray real good and get real results! [Click To Tweet]

Don’t wait for the invitation to begin your preparation.

Study yourself full, soak yourself in God and then step out in faith – that’s what makes a history maker!


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