Equilibrium (Part 7): Calibration for an Undivided Pursuit

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

March 15, 2021

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Equilibrium

Dear Readers, we hope your life has been powerfully changed by this amazing series on Equilibrium. In our final instalment, Prophet Shyju challenged believers to assess, is our pursuit of the Lord by our spirit, or by our soul? Here is Part 7 of this life-changing Word from the Founder of Revive Nations, Day 30 of our 31 Days of Sowing.

Is our pursuit of the Lord by our spirit, or by our soul?

Have you ever searched for something online and come up empty because your search terms were just not sufficient? Trying to find the duck whistle and all you get is duck boots? Or try finding a tool when you don’t know its true name and “thingamajig” isn’t cutting it?

In this final teaching on Equilibrium, Prophet Shyju unlocks a passage from the Song of Solomon, where the young bride pursues her King in every place that He would never be found.

First, she demanded the watchmen to account for her groom. Can you imagine asking a security guard at a packed mall, “Ah, have you seen my husband?”

Next, she searched for Him at the city square. Surely, no king would ever be found in the town square in the middle of the night!

How could her pursuit be so blind? Did she truly know the Lover of her soul?

Perplexed, the young bride complained, “I will seek the one I love. I sought Him but I did not find Him.” Song of Solomon 3:2

How is this possible?

Our Lord says, “Seek Me and you will find Me.” (Jer. 29:13) and “Draw near to me and I will draw near to you” (James 4:8)

Dear friends, our God is not a man, that He should lie. (Numbers 23:19).

Beloved saints, it is time to calibrate our life!

We must pursue the Lord in truth. We must know the Voice of the Lover of our soul and seek His Presence above all else.

Do not search like this young woman, soul bound, distracted by the shiny attractions of the world, consumed by the offences of the past, distorted by the insecurities of the heart.

Our inheritance is to reach for the Lord with all that God has made us to be and find HIM!

Beloved, what distractions and what attraction planted by the enemy are you willing to let go, in order to find the Lover of your Soul, our Lord Jesus, King of all Kings?

May calibration be yours, as you investigate the state of your equilibrium before the Lord by the Spirit of God.

Like the bride, we must find Whom we are searching for and never let Him go!

“I found Him and I would. not let Him go!” Song of Solomon 3:4

May the Lord Himself be our great reward as we pursue our Glorious King, body, soul and spirit in these last days, as the passionate persisting pursuing Bride of Christ! May our search be successful and may our faith please our Righteous King, the Lord of all Lords!

Watch the video here.

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