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Superior Advantage in Life

Superior Advantage in Life

Undoubtedly Enoch, the Man of God, enjoyed a superior advantage: he was trained by God! In the Kingdom, God uses spiritual parents to invest understanding and revelation into our future. They train us up in His ways. Training by a father affords us a spiritual...

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Horses of Fire

Horses of Fire

Dear Reader, Revive Nations is thrilled to announce the latest prophetic song by Shyju Mathew Music:   Horses of Fire. Like the days of Elijah, encounter the passion and joy of the Lord through this video ! Join us around the globe as the Bride releases this cry:...

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Come Rest!

Come Rest!

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am  gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 Readers, get...

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Before you give them a title…

Before you give them a title…

Indeed, titles are necessary to define boundaries within the church, in personal relationships and in the world around us. They make life manageable and comprehensible. Yet there is a danger within them. As soon as someone gains a title much more is expected of them,...

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A soldier’s failure!

A soldier’s failure!

If you're a soldier, you have an order: to stay focused and complete the mission. The enemy has an objective too: to distract, derail and destroy the soldier. 2 Tim2:4 says, "Soldiers don't get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the...

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The Fearless Decision Maker

The Fearless Decision Maker

There is no leaders without critics. Growing as a leader aso requires growing a thick skin. To be able to receive all incoming opinions without caving in under them. As leaders we still need to hold on to our perspective, the greater vision, the larger picture. When...

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Reacting to unstable people

Reacting to unstable people

As a Pastor there are many challenges I have had to face in the last two years. With this role comes a lot of stretching, a lot of learning, and a lot of growing. One of the areas I find stretches me in particular is dealing with unstable, or should I say, unplanted...

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How to Fix the Castles in the Sand

It is possible. To build castles in the sand. To build a lot over time as a prescription drug for a hidden sickness in the heart. Probably watching the castle rise would numb the pain. The success on this side to cover the shame on the other side. To feel good when...

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