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Love Whispered!

Love Whispered!

Familiarity breeds contempt. True, isn't it? More often than not, especially in relationships, when you know a person well, you can easily lose respect for that person or become careless in that situation. Consider a marriage relationship: it all starts off well, but...

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Oh No, Not Again!

Oh No, Not Again!

  One of the most daunting fears of life could be the fear of facing it- ‘AGAIN!’ It happened once, you thought it was over, you had dealt with it, but now looking behind your shoulder, there it is again! The very thing that you lost your sleep over is now...

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At The Crossroads of Persecution

At The Crossroads of Persecution

During a recent time of personal prayer, as I was interceding for the nation of India, I felt the Spirit of God leading me on to deliver a Word for this generation.  If we turn our attention to the current state of happenings, we hear of persecution all around - nuns...

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Strongholds That Holds You!

Strongholds That Holds You!

A ‘Stronghold’ can be defined as something that has a strong grip; something that is covered left concealed and unexposed! I remember what the Holy Spirit recently put in my heart-God cannot bless what you cannot give up and what you cannot give up is the stronghold...

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Intimacy With The Holy Spirit

Intimacy With The Holy Spirit

I want to share something fresh with you, straight from the heart of God. It was revealed to me during my prayer time, something that has been burning in my heart since. It’s about the third Person in the Trinity, the precious, sweet & gentle Holy Spirit. Beware:...

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You’re Still The One I Run To!

You’re Still The One I Run To!

Recently I heard a song being played in the background while I was out. The words went this way: “You’re still the one I run to, the one that I belong to, you’re still the one I kiss good night, .. we’re together, still going strong.. You’re the one I want for life…”...

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We Are Not Listening!

We Are Not Listening!

Last night, I was talking on the phone with a young man who I believe has a leadership calling for our generation. As I prayed for him, my spirit wept. I felt the Holy Spirit was grieving for this generation. I wept because I heard the Spirit saying, “We are not...

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